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  1. Lens_flare

    Port MIUI v4 to AT&T One X... need a SENSE base?

    Dump yourself. You only need a root and root explorer.
  2. Lens_flare

    MIUI ROM 2.8.17 ICS & JellyBean

    hell :( I thought they will at most present us something like on early video (desktop with window), stupid angry birds ;/
  3. Lens_flare

    MIUI ROM 2.8.17 ICS & JellyBean

    yah thx anyway, at last it's something new ;]
  4. Lens_flare

    MIUI ROM 2.8.17 ICS & JellyBean

    is the Awesome desktop included to ics one?
  5. Lens_flare

    [Liquid Mt]MIUIv4android project

    Project is closed. Nobody wants to continue.
  6. Lens_flare

    Preview MIUI ROM 2.8.17 Preview Changelog

    oh please don't say it will be on JellyBean base D: at last say there will be ics version too :p
  7. Lens_flare

    MIUI porting tutorials

    As we receiving more and more porting request and have to say "sorry, we are not supporting any side device", I'd like to offer a solution. You might ask your cm devs (or even try yourself) to follow a tuto: New way of MIUI porting: Definitive FAQ guide stage by stage shows how to port MIUI in...
  8. Lens_flare

    help porting to droid 4 (wifi woes)

    see system/lib/lights.[your platform].so something to do with *RIL*.smali(or even .java?[so with source code]) at com/android/internal/telephony (framework.jar). Maybe also with ril libraries like[actually qualcomm ril lib, for instance]. possibly invalid configuration (lack of...
  9. Lens_flare

    NEED help with porting torch app to my device

    if your camera working, you also should have torch working
  10. Lens_flare

    [Port Request] MIUI for Acer a100

    Ask him if he tried my guide:
  11. Lens_flare


    If you have an AOSP/AOKP/CM rom, use that guide I'm not responsible if it is not working with stock rom base.
  12. Lens_flare

    Porting Android ICS AOSP on Huawei U8818

    Sorry, we are MIUI community, and not discussing AOSP/CM porting ever. as you are lucky to meet me, let's see: yeah, why not to see that log then? why the hell are you trying to issue zygote when it is already done on ramdisk? Anyway, problem is too complex for forums, you have to google...
  13. Lens_flare

    Need help to get Data Connection working

    MIUIv4? Or 2.3? On CDMA you should change CDMAdataconnectiontracker.smali in com/android/internal/telephony (framework.jar).
  14. Lens_flare

    Preview New MIUI V4 Feature : Huge Font Size

    That 3x3 layout looks great, haven't ever seen something like that before (as I remember adw don't have lesser than 4x4 in sizes)
  15. Lens_flare

    [Liquid Mt]MIUIv4android project

    Added multilang. Now Porject could be closed. Sorry if this version won't boot, make a log, I will see what can I do.
  16. Lens_flare

    [Liquid Mt]MIUIv4android project

    will release multilang ASAP
  17. Lens_flare

    [Liquid Mt]MIUIv4android project

    New release is out. Now you don't need to reboot your phone to make GSM work(but still no data) as I hacked framework to block deadly request.
  18. Lens_flare

    [Liquid Mt]MIUIv4android project

    Ah ok, mobile data issue now seem depends on my skill l of framework modfication, I have many things to try. And I haven't heared about camera for about a month, I hope work is started in background.
  19. Lens_flare

    [Liquid Mt]MIUIv4android project

    No, I'm missing that release, fully concentrating on mobile data issue
  20. Lens_flare

    [Liquid Mt]MIUIv4android project

    don't actually know, our vibrate michanics are burried somewhere in kernel and have full aosp-compatibility, so I doubt it might be miui issue.