help porting to droid 4 (wifi woes)


12 Mar 2011
ok i got it to boot and every thing seems to be working fine part from some minor things like
no back light control
not keyboard and capacitive button back light
come up with no service when it have it

then some major things
like no sms (this is the same on other roms for my phone that on one else seems to get)
and if i use the wifi the rom will then crash all the time unless i put it in airplane mode but its fine if i never go near the wifi settings

any help would be greatly appreciated.

i am trying to port the droid razr build to the droid 4 using this guide

i have 2 different builds that i am working on and keep getting the same bootloop wondering if i could get any help here and if any one can possibly point me in a better direction as i am new to this

edit: the droid 4 is using safeboot if this make any differents


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no back light control
not keyboard and capacitive button back light
see system/lib/lights.[your platform].so
come up with no service when it have it
something to do with *RIL*.smali(or even .java?[so with source code]) at com/android/internal/telephony (framework.jar). Maybe also with ril libraries like[actually qualcomm ril lib, for instance].
if i use the wifi the rom will then crash all the time unless i put it in airplane mode
possibly invalid configuration (lack of files)

Sorry, logs not showing anything useful.