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  1. T

    MULTI 5.1.9

    Finally manged to download ROM with new md5. SMS app works ok but all the text messages (conversation view) have incredibly big font.
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    MULTI 5.1.9

    Mi2a. No log (unable to reproduce it).
  3. T

    MULTI 5.1.9

    +1 but just after first reboot.
  4. T

    MULTI 5.1.9

    Re-downloaded many times from both sources. Always get 40b2c7facd205b38885d92ec99073fbc instead of d89b5a175088339856ac50e4aa4cd8b4. shows the correct md5 on download page (d89b5a175088339856ac50e4aa4cd8b4) but ROM is the old one with old md5.
  5. T

    MULTI 5.1.9

    Re-downloaded few more times but still ROM with 40b2c7facd205b38885d92ec99073fbc although shows d89b5a175088339856ac50e4aa4cd8b4 md5 before download.
  6. T

    MULTI 5.1.9

    YES. There is incredibly lot of available free RAM on Mi2a with this release (tested). I've never see anything like that with v5.
  7. T

    MULTI 5.1.9

    Confirming sms bug. Launcher seems to not restart anymore :cool: (After first restart force close.)
  8. T

    MULTI 5.1.9

    Everyone keep calm. It's not an easy process and you can get stuck anytime.
  9. T

    MULTI 5.1.2 (4.12.31)

    I guess SMS app is the same across the ROMs. If you need to urgently fix this issue then download ROM for e.g. aries, extract SMS app and copy it to your system partition (/system/priv-app/Mms.apk). It should help.
  10. T

    MULTI 5.1.2 (4.12.31)

    Are you sure it also applies to Mi2s with 2GB RAM? Launcher reloading problem can be fixed using Xposed (surprising works correctly with MIUI v6, on MIUI v5 alarms were broken when installed) and App Settings plugin (set launcher as memory persistent)...
  11. T

    MULTI 5.1.2 (4.12.31)

    There is still the same ROM with 9590449e8ca59835af76239bc127e6f7 md5 for Mi2a.
  12. T

    MULTI 5.1.2 (4.12.31)

    Bug 2) still persists with recent ROM (md5: 9590449e8ca59835af76239bc127e6f7).
  13. T

    MULTI 5.1.2 (4.12.31)

    1) launcher reload from time to time when device is running out of memory 2) messaging app FC with bank SMS: (still not fixed) - will try to re-download the ROM Mi2a
  14. T

    MULTI 4.12.5 - FINAL MIUIv5

    After more debugging: Launcher is actually crashing (WIN DEATH). I wonder what are the recent changes to launcher since with previous ROM everything works fine.
  15. T

    MULTI 4.12.5 - FINAL MIUIv5

    At first I was surprised by huge amount of free memory (Mi2a) but then it turned out launcher does not stay in the memory (although it is set) and reload almost each time. Reverted back to 4.11.28 and everything is fine again.
  16. T

    Sony Smartwatch 2 compatibility with Miui from the introduction of all-in-one "security" app

    Then ask at (root access is off-topic here).
  17. T

    Sony Smartwatch 2 compatibility with Miui from the introduction of all-in-one "security" app

    Try to follow
  18. T

    Sony Smartwatch 2 compatibility with Miui from the introduction of all-in-one "security" app

    Launch "Optimization" app then select Security - Root permissions - On.
  19. T

    Sony Smartwatch 2 compatibility with Miui from the introduction of all-in-one "security" app

    When using ES File Explorer you have to turn on "Root Explorer - (Mont R/W)" in menu.
  20. T

    Sony Smartwatch 2 compatibility with Miui from the introduction of all-in-one "security" app

    This is deprecated method so don't use it. All methods require root but MIUI comes rooted by default.