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  1. lebigmac

    RO2RW for Zircon

    Hi. I just wanted to let you know that 'RO2RW' by leegarchat is a fake stolen tool that could even contain virus or trojan horse! You never know! I, lebigmac, am the original author of the System-RW / Super-RW featuring Make-RW / ro2rw tool. That shady cyberpirate leegarchat only stole my...
  2. lebigmac

    Making system partition RW

    Hi @lecmngend Where is the rest of your log? Did it work? Is your phone System-RW now? ./sysrw in=../path/to/super.img out=`realpath /dev/block/by-name/super` -r Yes if you run the script with these parameters then it should flash the patched super.img directly to your super block device. I...
  3. lebigmac

    Disabling AVB 2.0(TWRP)

    Hi. Of course I can help you with that read-only problem. Just use the latest official System-RW / Super-RW featuring Make-RW / ro2rw by lebigmac version 1.42 on your rooted Xiaomi phone and you should be able to easily unlock the Full-RW capabilities of your phone using my unique script! My...
  4. lebigmac

    Making system partition RW

    Yes my friends there is a PC version on the horizon but who will do the GUI for me while I focus on the underlying code? Or I will have to program the whole thing but then it will take even longer to release! Talented GUI developers, send me your resumes through pm !
  5. lebigmac

    Making system partition RW

    Hola. Did you try renaming the rommaker.apk to and just flashing that in recovery? Yes it's actually a flashable zip. I know I must make the whole package smaller by default. In next version I will remove all those permissive Samsung kernels. That's obsolete. It looks like you must...
  6. lebigmac

    Making system partition RW

    Hello. This is lebigmac, the original author of the unique and original System-RW / Super-RW / Make-RW / ro2rw software. I created this unique software from scratch and I can confirm that it works with the latest MIUI on my Redmi Note. I might give HyperOS another try in the future...