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  1. M

    New Market App For MIUI

    Merry Christmas! Here is an updated flashable zip for the new android market. Flash via recovery! This works with MIUI without any cutting off fonts etc. The new version is 2.2.7. Get it while its HOT! Enjoy! EDIT -...
  2. M

    Is anyone else glad that MIUI is not open source?

    At one time I felt stock android was the way to go. I only flashed MIUI because dphase was working on a sense froyo port for the cdma desire and his development stopped in its tracks. I messaged him on twitter. He told me "sense is a dead platform." I figured if he had something to so with it...
  3. M

    New MIUI blog website

    There is an empty blog on the main miui-dev page. Possibly relink to your WordPress site. I would pm mark or dphase for an answer... Sent from my Desire CDMA using Tapatalk
  4. M

    FileManager support?

    There is a new file explorer in this weeks release. You'll see it soon. Its pretty slick. Sent from my Desire CDMA using Tapatalk
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    +1. I too am part of the closed beta but just wanted to make this available to those looking for it. I know it can be impossible to find sometimes. As I said before, if any rules or Swype dev requests it be removed or deleted, it shall. Until then enjoy.
  6. M


    Post them. Do they expire? Sent from my Desire CDMA using Tapatalk
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    This version does not expire Sent from my Desire CDMA using Tapatalk
  8. M

    Swype version English only I believe, sorry. Sent from my Desire CDMA using Tapatalk
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    I'm just making this available to those who want it. If I am breaking any forum rules, please, mod delete this thread. I have a working swype.apk for MIUI that works with any version. This version DOES NOT EXPIRE! Check it out.
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    3D Fancy Widget Clocks by stoney 666......

    Super slick. Really digging the second clock. Looks a lot like the MIUI weather app clock. Sent from my Desire CDMA using Tapatalk
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    Updated rom

    You should be able to wipe and flash. You can also flash the new update right over the existing. Either way you'll need to reinstall your apps, contacts and such Sent from my Desire CDMA using Tapatalk
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    How to Port to HTC HERO CDMA

    My progress is on pause right now but I know there are others working on it as well. Sent from my Desire CDMA using Tapatalk
  13. M

    Is this the MIUI weather map working outside of China?

    This makes perfect sense. I just started tinkering with it. The city db is insane, might be more work than really nessesary, however in the end it would be worth it to have a completely working miui port.
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    How do I increase the max mms size in the messaging app

    I've been using this edited MMS.apk. It allows 1000k messages. Just go to system/app and push it with adb or root explorer. Rename the original mms.apk.bak or something. Copy in folder, install and reboot. Rapidshare link to follow... Sent from my...
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    How to Port to HTC HERO CDMA

    As far as coding I'm pretty new to aosp. I understand kernels and all. As far coding, I would think the only things to be done would be framework, apps, hdpi to mdpi conversion and a suitable kernel. I know the cm6 kernel for hero should be mostly compatable. But if someone else wants to tear...
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    How to Port to HTC HERO CDMA

    I'll send you a link with files for rapishare when I get home. Look for a pm around 6pm cst... Sent from my Desire CDMA using Tapatalk
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    How to Port to HTC HERO CDMA

    Wow. I must have really been using my brain last night. I can't believe I packed it into a rar instead of a zip. What by meant by cm6 base was the hero kernel. It still has the same framework and apps etc as miui. I hate to say it but we might need to wait for someone who actually has a device...
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    How to Port to HTC HERO CDMA

    THIS IS CDMA ONLY!!! Okay. I have a VERY VERY VERY beta version built using CM6 as a base. Theme Porter seemed to do the job but there is no way for me to tell without someone attempting to flash it. I can not stress this enough, this may BRICK YOUR PHONE!!!. I take no responsibility if it...
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    Port to Samsung Fascinate?

    The Galaxy series from a hardware standpoint is able to run it no problem. Right now MIUI is really only being ported for HTC devices for some reason. I've got a laundry list of ports that people are asking for. If I seesomething pop up somewhere ill bring back to the forum asap, otherwise I may...
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    New format for MIUI updater-script's

    This new script is sick... love me some ascii Sent from my Desire CDMA using Tapatalk