Is anyone else glad that MIUI is not open source?


7 Nov 2010
I'm tired of seeing posts (especially on reddit and xda) that are like I hate the way MIUI looks!!! But can anyone port the lockscreen, contacts, sms app, music app, and everything else!!! Cyanogenmod is just better!! Because it is!!

If they were open source, MIUI would lose its exclusivity and people would tarnish its name by porting it over to other half-assed roms :p

I'm glad this is the only rom capable of doing awesome...MIUI "things"
as long as they help the open source community with bits and pieces (notification drawer toggles, radio, etc) the actual MIUI rom can be closed in my book. MIUI should have a more android like launcher though. app drawer > icon sea any day.

but yea. MIUI is the most polished custom ROM out there and as far as ui goes, Google, cyanogen, Samsung, Motorola, etc could learn a lot from these Chinese geniuses and their international counterparts. iPhone is hot, android is hot. mate them and you get MIUI which is thermonuclear.
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as long as they help the open source community with bits and pieces (notification drawer toggles, radio, etc) the actual MIUI rom can be closed in my book. MIUI should have a more android like launcher though. app drawer > icon sea any day.

but yea. MIUI is the most polished custom ROM out there and as far as ui goes, Google, cyanogen, Samsung, Motorola, etc could learn a lot from these Chinese geniuses and their international counterparts. iPhone is hot, android is hot. mate them and you get MIUI which is thermonuclear.
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Well put

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At one time I felt stock android was the way to go. I only flashed MIUI because dphase was working on a sense froyo port for the cdma desire and his development stopped in its tracks. I messaged him on twitter. He told me "sense is a dead platform." I figured if he had something to so with it, it had to be good. I flashed it on a whim and that's it. I've been running it ever since. I continue to support aosp because that's where the groundwork is laid... kernels, framework and so much more. Without open source development MIUI would NOT exsist for us, period. As the bugs have been worked out and MIUI has been polished, aosp is more important than ever especially if any of us want gingerbread. in no way am I flaming anyone but with MIUI its a two way street.
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open source is great...but sometimes when people take AOSP they generate a lot of crap ROMS that basically offer exactly the same thing with a different theme... WTF? screw that. Like how MIUI is doing things :)
I'd really like to use MIUI. But its not being open source let me think about what could go wrong: 1) You don't know what the rom is actually capable of. It could send your personal informations to god knows where, it could be a way to spread out some kind of "hidden malware" (the more it's used, the more it's dangerous). We don't and won't know what's really happening inside our phone. Only who can get access to the code is allowed to know. 2) If the project will be suddenly abandoned no one could ever recover it except the original developers. 3) MIUI is free, it has not commercial purposes. So I'm wondering: why is it not a good idea to release it under any open source licenses?

People, thinking about opensourceness as a way to make a "mess" is very very wrong. Even if MIUI would become opensource doesn't mean it will become a mess! There would be a lot of new rom based on it but the one, the ORIGINAL MIUI will always be this one. As far as I can see opensourceness for MIUI is the best thing that developers could do now. (Don't know if they WANT to though...)
In my opinion the devs should release some parts of the code to the public or some chosen talented developers out there.
They could make things like MIUI Weather work outside China or fix the Facebook issues due the lack of access to the social network in China.
It would also be cool if MIUI Update could be changed to push translated or modded versions of the ROM OTA
I love how MIUI feels, and sure am glad nothing is going to be ported over to other half assed ROMs to make them better by other peoples work. The MIUI Developers are talented as hell, I never expected to see an Android Branch like this.
Tho I would really like a Lockscreen-Customization. Like having the choice between Phone, E-Mail, SMS buttons etc.
And maybe choose which switches you want in the pull-down statusbar.
And maybe get the option between MIUI iPhone Style Launcher or MIUI Stock Launcher and the ability to choose home screen columns and rows and native scrollable widget support and to be able to resize the widgets.
I love the MIUI Launcher and it smooth looks, but lacks alot of features I really desire.
I like the rom as well, but it could use a little more customization. I would love to be able to hide the status bar, and be able to customize the pulldown menu toggles. theres a lot of fluff in there that i have to scroll thru to get to the toggles i use.
it's very ironic for anyone to say MIUI should not be open sourced out of fear of people messing it up; ironic because MIUI would never have been possible in the first place without Android being open source :)
I could be wrong, but: MIUI is based on the Android-Source-Code which is Open Source and released under GPL. In my opinnion they HAVE TO release the Source Code according to the GPL.
Agreed! The Android is released under the GPLv2, which clearly states that you must release the source and license of the original code and that if there are any modifications to that code then you must include the dates of the modifications. If there are some parts of the MIUI rom that has been made independent from the Android OS, then those parts who's source is not released under the GPL must be distributed separately, as per section 2 of the GPLv2.
I have looked all over and it I cannot find any of the source for this ROM. This is in clear violation of the license in witch Android is released.
I feel, personally, that if the MIUI developers are not releasing there source then there is now way for the rest of the community that uses it to know for certain that this software is not malice by nature. It would appear that there is a good number of individuals working on this project, judging by which the speed of improvements are being released. What motivation could a team of people be working under when none of them are interested documenting what they are doing to the public at large. This is, in my opinion, a very dangerous mix. Your phone contains the most sensitive data that you have. As such I would expect the developers of MIUI to include the rest of us in the development process not just for the outstanding improvement of having more people work on a project, but to allow the code of something that is at the center of our private information to be reviewed by the people using it.