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    Xiaomi 14 Houji VoWifi

    Hi im trying to turn on Vowifi not working Just the Volte working Also try all methods to turn it but still If i insert my sim into another phone Volte Vowifi working fine.. Any suggestions Thanks.
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    New No internet connection at all when Wifi signal becomes average (Xiaomi 14 houji)

    The problem solved. ? Working in low midrange wifi?
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    Invalid Xiaomi 14 WiFi

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    New Vo Wifi

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    Invalid Xiaomi 14 WiFi

    Still same problem Anyone find something to try ?
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    Google device

    Hi after installing Eu rom Im on xiaomi 14 Showing in google account something else Can i change it to same phone i have ? And if its still on that phone will it change or still same model. Thanks.
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    Invalid Xiaomi 14 WiFi

    Hi I apply it but not solution Still in low range wifi not working Yesterday my phone and iphone phone Were in exact location for the iphone the wifi working For me xiaomi no
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    OTG hyperos

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    OTG hyperos

    Hi Can i disable OTG for connecting without turn on otg Like headphone.
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    Xiaomi 14 Global Rom installation

    You will able But i recommend to install eu rom More language no chinese apps and bloatware googlepay working everything If you install global version google pay will not work. In eu rom theres many features global rom not in. You can read in the fourm all the features.
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    New Vo Wifi

    Xiaomi 14 hyperos 1.0.28 Volte working fine Vowifi only working in strong wifi connection storng internet In other phones working fine no problem Try mbn mode not showing trying codes to enable not working Any solution?
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    New Google wallet

    Thanks found it Settings privacy in bottom privacy dashboard then click sms and allow google services
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    New Google wallet

    no permission showing
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    New Google wallet

    Google wallet not opening Xiaomi 14 os 1.0.31 Any suggestion
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    Invalid Xiaomi 14 WiFi

    Hyper os 1.0.31 Still same problem Wifi in low range not working
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    New Bug with stable HyperOS for Houji

    Hi installed Eu 1.0.28 Stable Houji Still problem with Wifi Midrange lowrange not working
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    Invalid Xiaomi 14 WiFi

    Something New? Solution
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    Invalid Xiaomi 14 WiFi

    Hi hyperos In midrange distance wifi not working Just in neabry distance working In chinese rom wasnt an issue.