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  1. S

    New SGS2 2.5.4 BUGS

    Just flashed V3.2 now but all previous versions have been fine for me.
  2. S

    New SGS2 2.5.4 BUGS

    I never get random reboots using Siyah kernel. Only reboots I get is when bluetooth is connected to my car stereo. This in a known bug in all samsung based ICS roms.
  3. S

    Release MIUI ROM 2.5.4 [ICS]

    Worked fine for me. Did you do a reboot after updating to 2.5.4 or just install the kernel straight after update?
  4. S

    Release MIUI ROM 2.5.4 [ICS]

    Always wondered, can I update with the updater app or is that for MIUI china users only?
  5. S

    Release MIUI ROM 2.5.4 [ICS]

    SGS2 rom 106MB??? Is that right its usually 200MB+ EDIT - never mind i cancelled it and tried again and its 210MB now :)
  6. S

    New BLN for stock sms and missed call (SGS2 2.4.27)

    Right i've managed to get BLN with sms now. All I did was disable screen wake up in sms settings and it works now. Also managed to get missed call working, The BLN app is needed for this though it doesn't work just with the extweeks app. Thanks for the help guys.
  7. S

    New BLN for stock sms and missed call (SGS2 2.4.27)

    I've done all that, its strange because it works for gmail, gtalk and other apps but just not for sms and missed call. Are you 100% sure it works with sms and missed call?
  8. S

    New BLN for stock sms and missed call (SGS2 2.4.27)

    Doesn't work for me. Can anyone else confirm if it works for them? stock sms and missed call?
  9. S

    New BLN for stock sms and missed call (SGS2 2.4.27)

    What version of Siyah are you using? Are you using the BLN app or the ExTweeks app? Does it definitely work with stock sms and missed call? BLN works for me on things like gmail, talk, etc just not stock sms and missed call.
  10. S

    New BLN for stock sms and missed call (SGS2 2.4.27)

    I'm using Siyah Kernel which supports BLN but it doesnt seem to work with stock sms app and missed calls even with the LED enabled in LED settings. Is this a known bug, am i doing something wrong or is there a fix to get it to work?
  11. S

    Release MIUI ROM 2.4.27 [ICS]

    I'm pretty sure that the 4.0.4 was a mistake in the build prop because the samsung rom its based on is 4.0.3
  12. S

    Release MIUI ROM 2.4.27 [ICS]

    Confirmed the fix, new build sms app is working.
  13. S

    Release MIUI ROM 2.4.27 [ICS]

    Thanks, i'd post the bug report but when i click report to MIUI nothing happens.
  14. S

    Release MIUI ROM 2.4.27 [ICS]

    Message FC again on SGS2.
  15. S

    Release MIUI 2.4.20 ROMS [ICS] & [GB]

    I noticed on the change log it says under phone section "Fix international number does not show the attribution or contact detail properly" does this mean if I have a number saved as +44 it will still be recognised as a contact now?
  16. S

    Release MIUI 2.4.20 ROMS [ICS] & [GB]

    MIUI China have just delayed the release due to last minute bugs :(
  17. S

    Changelog MIUI ROM 2.4.13 Changelog [ICS]

    There is a fix here:
  18. S

    Resolved SMS app crash 2.4.13 SGS2

    This worked for me thanks
  19. S

    Resolved SMS app crash 2.4.13 SGS2

    When you get the FC it gives you an option to report to MIUI, click report then you get a user feedback window. Select all the text in the window then copy and paste it here :)
  20. S

    Changelog MIUI ROM 2.4.13 Changelog [ICS]

    I think the country code contacts bug is being worked on. See here: