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  1. W


    I have tried this and I am still not seeing the files as a theme to install.
  2. W

    Google Maps 5.0 is now available in Market.

    Oh so I maybe rom related
  3. W

    MIUI goal for the next 2 weeks!!

    Great post!
  4. W

    Couple Questions : Themeing/SD Card Problem/Kernal

    2. What is the app ? try to install a random app you have never installed. System apps sometimes I have to uninstall the app before I have install the update.
  5. W


    Thanks Matt is there a reason why I can't view the theme I downloaded under preview its not visible to select to load it Sent from my SexyNexy using the Forums App
  6. W


    Why are themes now mtz and not zip? I downloaded a theme through the manager its a mtz and will not display in preview so I can install it? For some reason I can't post in the theme section from the miui app Sent from my SexyNexy using the Forums App Sent from my SexyNexy...
  7. W

    Google Maps 5.0 is now available in Market.

    Thanks I believe got this from the market a couple days ago. I can't get the 3d buildings to work
  8. W

    [Q] Market Fix

    I believe MIUI backup just goes to nandroid and you backup. I heard most ppl were having backup problems with amon ra 2.0 according to xda. he should be releasing a smaller version of the recovery soon. Hell, I can't even load 2.0 I'm still on 1.7
  9. W

    [Q] Market Fix

    Actually check out this thread. I think the last few pages has the fix. But, Mark recommends staying with the old market and wait for the update within the rom.
  10. W

    New sd card question

    thanks for the feed back. I had to format sd card then to transfer files to my ext3 I had to install ubuntu and gain root access and change permissions and a bunch of other stuff
  11. W

    Launcher force close

    So, I take it I am the only one with this problem.
  12. W

    Launcher force close

    I have been having this issue for a very long time through different updates and now I still have with 12.18. Is this just me? Is there a fix? Ideals would be a great help.
  13. W

    updating MIUI rom steps?

    what are the errors? and what version are you using before update. Do you have a n1? By the way I never do a wipe to update.
  14. W

    USB Tethering not working.

    I'm using mine as we speak with 12/11 N1
  15. W

    MIUI will it ever bless the Vibrant?

    No problem and xda is the best place to start. Post in vibrant forum and there is a thread on this site about translation Sent from my SexyNexy using the Forums App
  16. W

    New sd card question

    I don't have the newest amon ra 2.0 I have 1.7 I can't update to it for some reason I did a nandroid backup and restore and now it now boot the rom I have even reflashed it. Sent from my SexyNexy using the Forums App
  17. W

    MIUI will it ever bless the Vibrant?

    Someone that has a vibrant needs to know how to translate it. the people who translate and port miui usually have the phone they are doing it for. So you will most likely A. Need a person with the know how and knowledge to do the above and continuously update it. B. They have to want the Rom...
  18. W

    New sd card question

    I have a 16gb class 4 and my new card is a 16gb class 10 what is the easiest way to transfer all files +++ my ext3 that has all my data on it I believe. lol
  19. W

    Is anyone else glad that MIUI is not open source?

    Well put Sent from my SexyNexy using the Forums App
  20. W

    Launcher crashed because of folder

    Thanks Sent from my SexyNexy using the Forums App