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  1. N

    New SGS2 (2.5.18)-Home and power button wake up delay

    same here with 2.5.18
  2. N

    [Q] Caller ID Picture Size - MIUI 2.5.18

    I think i found the answer: The pictures set on 2.5.11 or eariler (before upgrading) - small pic at top left end. Pictures set on 2.5.18 - becoms full screen.
  3. N

    [Q] Caller ID Picture Size - MIUI 2.5.18

    Hey guys, I have noticed something weird and wondered if it's happening just for me. as you all know you can choose photos for your contacts.... after i did select for photos for some of my contacts i noticed that when i call them or they call me, some of them get displayed on a full screen...
  4. N

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    Hi, I'm using MIUI 2.5.11 - I need to download /devs/andy/Extended_settings/2.3.2? thats the latest one.
  5. N

    [Q] MIUI 2.3.30 Caller ID

    Hey guys, In MIUI 2.2.23 i had when someone called, there was a big nice picture all over the screen. In 2.3.30 is it supose to be like the original caller id? all black with small picture?
  6. N

    Themes in 2.3.30

    Hey guys, so i finally installed the 2.3.30. maybe i'm wrong but i cannot change the status bar desing (using themes)... someone got a solution?
  7. N

    [Q] About latest version 2.3.30

    Hey guys, I am currently running MIUI 2.2.3 on SGS 2. Wanted to ask a few questions about the latest version 2.3.30. 1. is it ICS based? 2. does it support RTL? 3. how is the battery life? thank a lot!