[Q] Caller ID Picture Size - MIUI 2.5.18


31 Mar 2012
Hey guys,

I have noticed something weird and wondered if it's happening just for me.
as you all know you can choose photos for your contacts....
after i did select for photos for some of my contacts i noticed that when i call them or they call me, some of them get displayed on a full screen (like in MIUI GB) and some of them have just a small photo on the left top.

Someone can maybe advise how to control this?

I think i found the answer:
The pictures set on 2.5.11 or eariler (before upgrading) - small pic at top left end.
Pictures set on 2.5.18 - becoms full screen.

I think that if the sync Gmail, there is little of the picture, if you google + to, thenfull screen ...