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  1. E

    MIUI 10 Stable - RN4X

    Hi to all Xiaomi owners, i have just one question, when i can expect MIUI 10 on my RN4X, i see a lot of beta versions, but i am on stable and nothing is hapening, so can someone tell me when to expect MIUI 10? Thanks in advance.
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    MIUI 10 8.8.9

    Miui 10 stable when is coming?
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    MIUI 10 8.8.9

    Why i didn't yet get ota update on my note 4x? Or i need to download it via page? And i can't see miui 10 rom download stable version, when i open links???
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    MULTI 8.1.11 V2

    Anyone notice battery drain, and cpu temperature i think it's higher, i have RN4X never feel that is hot in hand until this update. Anyone feel same?
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    MULTI 8.1.4

    I get few times "updater stops" on latest weekly, just to report.
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    MULTI 8.1.4

    Agree with you mate, and longer exposure time it would be perfect rom.
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    MULTI 7.12.28

    I have exposure time on stock camera qith mod for manual focus and exp time, but it's really short 1/2 seconds, and some xiaomi devices have 16 or 32 seconds exp time, so it would be great at least 16 sec, there is some mod of some developer on miui forum, but it's bad that when u install it...
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    MULTI 7.12.28

    It would be really great that we get longer exposure time in future update, for RN4X.
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    MULTI 7.12.28

    Please give us longer exposure for miui camera, on Redmi Note 4X.
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    MULTI 7.12.28

    Any chance to get camera 2api i next update, and long exposure for miui camera at least 16 sec?
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    MULTI 7.12.28

    Double notification to, and it disapear even if i dont open it.
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    MULTI 7.12.28

    Thanks, seems ok. Happy new year to all!
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    MULTI 7.12.14

    I didn't yet get update on OTA, i am on weekly rom, and have redmi note 4x.
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    MULTI 7.12.7

    I saw that android consume more than i think that should, and kernel to, so maybe you have wright.
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    Battery Drain!! Miui 9 Version 7.11.23

    Amazing. Like i said i always have turned on wifi, 3g, sync, and i use most apps which everybody of us use it, take calls, chat viber, whatsup, uae camera that's it, like i said what everybody of us use, but just think that something is not ok, that battery should hold more, and i don't know...
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    MULTI 7.12.7

    So i'm not the only one who thinks that there is some issues with battery, i juat hope that i don't have defected battery, that problem is with software.
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    Battery Drain!! Miui 9 Version 7.11.23

    I think to that mine battery hold good, cant get two days with average use, screen on 5-6 hours. Here is stats. Anybody know what is problem.
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    MULTI 7.12.7

    I didn't try factory reset, don't know is that going to help, i was on official rom before couple days, and situation is been same... Just i'm think that something is not ok, something draining battery, or battery got some issues, i can't get two days with average use, for example 5-6 hours with...
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    MULTI 7.12.7

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    MULTI 7.12.7

    What you think about my stats, is it ol, im think that something is not good, battery should hold more?