On my N1, on left side of the status bar there is an icon of SD card with gear at the bottom. When I pull down the bar, it says ' zone' next to that icon. How can I clear that icon???? It doesn't go away. And because of that I can't see the carrier name on side
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FC happened to me while clicking the link. Then I downloaded on my PC and copied the apk on SD card. Try that, it will work.
Sent from my Nexus One using the miuiandroid.com forum app
Thanks a lot. Works great. I freeze the latest browser with SystemApp manager, copy browser2 apk in system/apps, changed permissions and owner, rebooted, and Viola...
Sent from my Nexus One using the miuiandroid.com forum app
With constant FC's most of the time, I miss the old browser. Can someone upload the apk for that please? Thanks.
Sent from my Nexus One using the miuiandroid.com forum app
Asus is very fast for OTA updates. My rooted TF is on HC 3.2.
But I would love to see miui for TF.
Sent from my Nexus One using the miuiandroid.com forum app
Yes, I would like to know that too as I am planning to buy a no name brand phone on android 2.2 from China.
Sent from my Nexus One using the miuiandroid.com forum app
I had problems with my Bluetooth also. It gets disconnected. Went back to 1.7.15. Everything is ok now. Developers must check for this problem.
Sent from my Nexus One using the miuiandroid.com forum app