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    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    On my N1, on left side of the status bar there is an icon of SD card with gear at the bottom. When I pull down the bar, it says ' zone' next to that icon. How can I clear that icon???? It doesn't go away. And because of that I can't see the carrier name on side Sent from my Nexus One using...
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    Miss the old browser

    FC happened to me while clicking the link. Then I downloaded on my PC and copied the apk on SD card. Try that, it will work. Sent from my Nexus One using the forum app
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    Miss the old browser

    @axman79 Thanks a lot. Works great. I freeze the latest browser with SystemApp manager, copy browser2 apk in system/apps, changed permissions and owner, rebooted, and Viola... Sent from my Nexus One using the forum app
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    Miss the old browser

    With constant FC's most of the time, I miss the old browser. Can someone upload the apk for that please? Thanks. Sent from my Nexus One using the forum app
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    [MIUI Browser] Slow navigation and hangups!

    Same here. And lots of FC's in apps and launcher. What is going on?? Sent from my Nexus One using the forum app
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    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    Can you change wifi and signal icons color to green when connected like in older roms? Sent from my Nexus One using the forum app
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    Please adapt Miui for ASUS

    Asus is very fast for OTA updates. My rooted TF is on HC 3.2. But I would love to see miui for TF. Sent from my Nexus One using the forum app
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    hi everybody. how to install MIUI on a unknown device?

    Yes, I would like to know that too as I am planning to buy a no name brand phone on android 2.2 from China. Sent from my Nexus One using the forum app
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    Bluetooth Connection Failure

    I had Bluetooth issues as well. I went back to 1.7.15. Everything works now. Sent from my Nexus One using the forum app
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    1.7.22 - Incoming Call while Bluetooth, comes out of both Speaker and Headset? Why?!

    I had problems with my Bluetooth also. It gets disconnected. Went back to 1.7.15. Everything is ok now. Developers must check for this problem. Sent from my Nexus One using the forum app
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    Uninstall Miliao Option ?

    @cowsquad Thanks. It worked with terminal emulator. Sent from my Nexus One using the forum app
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    Uninstall Miliao Option ?

    Watchdog gives SD card not mounted error! Sent from my Nexus One using the forum app
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    Weather Conditions in calendar

    Same thing here Sent from my Nexus One using the forum app
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    Many thanks Jesus_c Sent from my Nexus One using the forum app
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    If it's not too late, can I also beg for one please. Joyridewings@gmail dot com. Thanks Sent from my Nexus One using the forum app
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    miui-dev app apk

    Thanks a lot. Works great now. One of my most used app. Sent from my Nexus One using the forum app
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    miui-dev app apk

    @ruthless10001 I renamed it to zip and flashed in recovery but gives a script not found error. Doesn't install. What did I do wrong?
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    miui-dev app apk

    @totalcmdext Thanks
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    miui-dev app apk

    As in the latest rom, miui-Dev app is not there, could someone upload the link to its apk so that I can install it. Thanks in advance.
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    1.7.1 Home Button

    It is in the menu. Sent from my Nexus One using the forum app