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  1. E

    Changing your fonts [ How to ]

    Pretty much all of the fonts I'm packing are from fachadick's thread on XDA, so they're all available there. But they should work fine. I'm on the absolute most recent build, and they all show up in theme manager, but I always move them directly to /MIUI/theme instead of importing them through...
  2. E

    miui online music

    It has an online music feature, but it's only usable in China. MIUI Music should list all of the albums, artists, and playlists if you choose the appropriate section, and it will play music from your phone.
  3. E

    Update qustion

    Use MIUI Backup. Move all apps from the sdcard to the phone first or they won't restore. It will work fine. I got rid of Titanium and use MIUI Backup exclusively.
  4. E

    Does 1.1.28 have cm camera or miui?

    There is a version of 1.28 with the cm camera that has the ffc, but it breaks part of Theme Manager (it will force close if you try to import a theme) and some other annoying things. Check the official release thread in the Evo forum.
  5. E

    Changing your fonts [ How to ]

    I'm preparing to release font packs that can be applied with Theme Manager. So far, I have 8 packs ready with lots more still to make. Would people be interested, or would I be wasting my time?
  6. E

    clockwork recovery broke my phone

    Here is a -Rename it to (exactly that). -Install HTC Sync -Download the Android SDK -Find the file adb.exe and put the in that directory -Open the Windows command line -cd to the directory with adb.exe in the SDK. -Your phone...
  7. E

    [APP] Ultimate Android-Phones Tool

    That works for me. I have .rgb565 files already. Edit: I'll have to test it later. My phone's dying, and my laptop's already dead.
  8. E

    [APP] Ultimate Android-Phones Tool

    Does the app not work?
  9. E

    clockwork recovery broke my phone

    Could be a bad download. When you say "anything", you mean any rom? Which roms have you tried to flash? Have you tried to flash a new recovery with ADB?
  10. E

    [APP] Ultimate Android-Phones Tool

    Here's a guide to do it manually on a computer. It uses Linux but links to a Windows program, too. Here's a phone app. Here's a guide to do it in Windows. It's one step after all the...
  11. E

    [APP] Ultimate Android-Phones Tool

    That's the right command, but the files are *.rgb565, not .img. Is it different for Desire?
  12. E

    [APP] Ultimate Android-Phones Tool

    Phone: HTC Evo HBOOT: HBOOT (Engineering hboot) Download: Recovery: Amon RA - generally preferred for Evo (Clockwork got a bad rep for lost wimax keys and spotty wiping; wimax key problems fixed now, though) Download: SplashScreen size...
  13. E


    Yeah, it does. It's gonna kill. HTC makes some of the best, most hackable phones out there. I'm on the Evo and anxiously awaiting what HTC might have planned for this summer. (though, if the rumors about Sprint's upgrade policy changing are true, I'll be waiting for the summer after that. *sigh*)
  14. E

    [APP] Ultimate Android-Phones Tool

    Well, some Evos can do fastboot. All Evos do adb just fine. Those that have the enngineering hboot have fastboot. Any Evo hboot higher than .76 does not have fastboot. Edit: I see where you got confused. When I quoted you I just meant that you had already answered my question, basically...
  15. E


    It looks like just the Incredible if it has to be currently supported, but if you think you can handle it, you can port it to pretty much any phone. But I'm sure that regardless of which phone you get, especially an HTC phone, someone will probably port it eventually.
  16. E

    [APP] Ultimate Android-Phones Tool

    Any chance of Evo support? Arguably the most popular phone in the forums (based on the fact that it's second in thread count only to the Incredible but has twice as many posts). Edit: got excited, jumped the gun, and missed this post:
  17. E

    Oc kernel

    That's really a question that should be asked in the forum for your phone. It'll probably get a lot more views by people who can help you. (not trying to be thread police, just a tip to help you get an answer sooner)
  18. E

    No updates for this week??

    There are barely any changes. I used the Chinese build for a little while, and the only two changes I noticed were (1) a weird toggle above the Battery Use option in Battery Settings that didn't really have any words next to it, just an @ followed by a bunch of numbers, and it had to be toggled...
  19. E

    MIUI backup

    ??? Yes, you can. In the actual new version, SMS and MMS are a different backup from both Contacts and Call Records. You must be talking about last week's version, which has the problem you're talking about: Last week's version was kind of messed up.
  20. E

    MIUI backup

    I don't know what you guys are complaining about. I always use MIUI Backup, and I never get duplicate contacts. The only problem I have is that it doesn't properly backup the apps in .android_secure, but I get around that by moving them to internal storage first. In fact, after I figured out...