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  1. maksz

    Xiaomi Statistics

    @Igor Eisberg Is it possible to cut these statistics off?
  2. maksz

    Invalid Status Bar Settings Icon Not Working

    When I expand the Wifi or Bluetooth, the settings icon is not working. Mi Max 3 MIUI 9.6.5
  3. maksz

    Resolved security doesnt update!
  4. maksz

    New SIM Card Connection Setting Restores

    Still on 9.5.23
  5. maksz

    New Camera not scanning QR codes

    You are looking for the official MIUI forum, not the custom ROM
  6. maksz

    New SIM Card Connection Setting Restores

    Still present on 9.5.9
  7. maksz

    MIUI 10 9.5.9

    If Magisk 19.1 doesn't work for you, then flash 18.1 stable. This helped me. Mi Max 3
  8. maksz

    New SIM Card Connection Setting Restores

    When I change data connection SIM card in dual SIM, connection type (both cards) restores (goes to 2G/3G/LTE, even though I had set 3G Only before). Not really important but annoying. 9.4.25 Mi Max 3
  9. maksz

    Update MIUI EU with root and custom kernel

    @xiaoas said that he updates ROM with Magisk installed. Just install OTA (through updater or zip from the website, no difference), reboot, then flash Magisk, reboot (sometimes x2). That's all you have to know.
  10. maksz

    New why play store not detect wifi?

    I have similar bug but when I set limit to 100mb in downloads app, dialog with confirmation show and I can download app from play store.
  11. maksz

    Invalid Battery bar not blue MI9

    Same on my Mi Max 3
  12. maksz

    updating new version

    It's normal that OTA doesn't work on Friday. Servers are overloaded. Just download the file from the website and flash through TWRP.
  13. maksz

    MIUI 10 9.4.11/12

    Working fine on Mi Max 3, but battery is not as good as it was in January.
  14. maksz

    Resolved Cant't use soundbar on right rotation

    Fixed on 9.3.28 Mi Max 3
  15. maksz

    Invalid Missing SMS Sound Setting

    The setting for SMS received sound is missing in sound settings. There are only ringtone, calendar and notification settings. Mi Max 3 MIUI 9.3.14
  16. maksz

    Invalid Bug on Mi8

    2. Free RAM is wasted RAM.
  17. maksz

    Face Unlock

    It's here since Friday, isn't it?
  18. maksz

    New Double Plug-In/Charging Sound

    When I connect the phone to the charger, the plug-in sound is played 2 times. Mi Max 3
  19. maksz

    Bluetooth Icon

    This is very time-consuming and not worth it, so treat it as educational content. 1. 2. Take MiuiSystemUI.apk, framework-res.apk, framework-res-ext.apk, miuisystem.apk, miui.apk from your phone and put in in the same folder as 1. These can be found...
  20. maksz

    Bluetooth Icon

    I think that editing apk is not worth it (you have to do it after every system update), but if you are asking... You have to delete one method in MiuiSystemUI.apk, but I think that replacing all bluetooth icons with 1px width alpha images will also work (I'm not sure).