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  1. Jamod

    MULTI 7.6.22/25

    Further the miui weather widget sometimes is not updating. today it showed the place where i was yesterday. you have to click on it to update. mi5s 3/64
  2. Jamod

    MULTI 7.6.22/25

    same here, google does not speak at all. my test question was always "who is john wayne" to try google with new roms, but it is not answered anymore. think it came with android 7. mi5s
  3. Jamod

    MULTI 7.6.22/25

    one more thing with this rom. temporarily i have the phone connected via headphone jack to my car amp because the radio is broken. so after a phone call, where it was connected with a bluetooth headset, it switched back to phonejack and musicplayer with volume set to 100%. that was not nice...
  4. Jamod

    MULTI 7.6.22/25

  5. Jamod

    MULTI 7.6.22/25

    battery drain is very high, quickcharge is not working anymore. i try to do an accu calibration today and see if it helps.. mi5s 3/64
  6. Jamod

    MULTI 7.6.22/25

    huge battery drain with mi5s. just a little bit browsing 100 to 37% in 5 hours.
  7. Jamod

    MULTI 7.6.22/25

    yes he did and it works now. its getting better..
  8. Jamod

    MULTI 7.6.22/25

    thx, works. seems to be generally faster and smoother than last update. hope gboard doesn't crash anymore. google now launcher still does not speak. any suggestions? mi5s 3/64
  9. Jamod

    3d Force Touch

    same for me. switched it off because the sensivity is too high.
  10. Jamod

    MULTI 7.6.15

    yes, just download the new rom and install it with twrp. there are also instructions on page one of every weekly thread. no wipe needed. but i would first install last marshmallow rom to avoid strange behavior when changing to android 7.
  11. Jamod

    My Phone Is Always Awake! Deep Sleep Issue

    1.) root your phone 2.) get the wakelock detector app 3.) wait one night with the statistics from wakelock detector you see what`s on top and keeping your phone awake.
  12. Jamod

    MULTI 7.6.15

    of course you can, feel free to flash. if the bug is still there it will be fixed during the next releases. thats what it's all about.
  13. Jamod

    MULTI 7.6.15

    i see. but look, these are beta roms. if you are even afraid to install a new one maybe it would be better to stay with ota updates and be happy. just saying..
  14. Jamod

    MULTI 7.6.15

    please try the things you are supposed to do and stop spamming for gods sake. if you don't know how to handle your phone try to look for someone who can. thank you very much.
  15. Jamod

    MULTI 7.6.15

    rom runs good, thx. what is that intelligent traffic strategy in wlan settings, anybody knows?
  16. Jamod

    How To Update From Twrp 3.0.2 To 3.1.1 ?

    no, so i've downloaded the right version with the twrp app and flashed it through twrp like the weekly roms.
  17. Jamod

    How To Update From Twrp 3.0.2 To 3.1.1 ?

    thx, it worked
  18. Jamod

    How To Update From Twrp 3.0.2 To 3.1.1 ?

    can i use the old twrp to install the new image? is it so easy or do I have to wipe anything on the data partition?
  19. Jamod

    MULTI 7.6.8/10

    german too.. google speech is also not working anymore. the voice has gone.
  20. Jamod

    mi5s 3/64

    mi5s 3/64