Search results

  1. mankokoma

    Poco F3 Alioth to lineageos

    As the Poco F3 alioth's life ended here, I wanna move on to lineageos. There's recommended to install global OS1.0.2.0.TKHMIXM firmware before flashing lineageos. Is that really necessary or can I just go from here to lineage via TWRP with TKHCNXM from here? Any experiences here? Thanks. It's...
  2. mankokoma

    TWRP remount system writable?

    Hi there. Just beside rooting the POCO F3 (twrp-3.6.0_11-0-alioth xiaomi.eu_multi_HMK40_POCOF3_V12.5.18.0.RKHCNXM_v12-11 stable) with magisk and to use a very strange script found at the XDA forum... Is there a way to remount system RW in TWRP? The only thing I want to do is to change the hosts...
  3. mankokoma

    consider poco f3

    As Xiaomi has put the redmi note 8 Ginkgo to EOL I consider buying a Poco F3 So I read a lot of "bad bad camera" stuff which scares me a little, because that's a very important feature! Is it really that bad? In XDA forums there are recommendations for GCams with configs. Does that help? How...
  4. mankokoma

    Weekly cleanout Redmi Note 8 Gingko

    Our old device smooth with debloating. Cleaning things up - better to put it here. Shame and blame on me. Had it in the weekly section... So the slow under-ram-ed mobile is running really fine with the new swap-idea (Memory Extension)! Some mentioned Gallery in the recent weeklies. It's laggy...
  5. mankokoma

    Recommendation: stable

    As dudjaa suggested in this post I decided to to return to last stable Android 10 version of MIUI12 Copy this and all files...