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  1. borka

    [rom] Ivan's Aosp Lollipop 5.1

  2. borka

    [rom] Ivan's Aosp Lollipop 5.1

    I use the Ivan's 5.5.3 partitioned ASOP ROM for almost a week and i can say i had no reboots or freezes and actually so far it's the best and the most stable ROM i ever used on this phone. The only bug i had noticed so far is that sometimes i just hear notification sound but don't receive any...
  3. borka

    [rom] Ivan's Aosp Lollipop 5.1

    no, alarm works fine for me in the built-in clock app
  4. borka

    [rom] Ivan's Aosp Lollipop 5.1

    update us please
  5. borka

    [rom] Ivan's Aosp Lollipop 5.1

    about english CMW v6.0.5.1: 1) flash the latest built of CM11 ROM via cmw 2) enable developer mode and inside mark the "recovery update" checkbox and reboot the device. 3) now you have english cmw
  6. borka

    [rom] Ivan's Aosp Lollipop 5.1

    I've installed it with CMW and Dualboot off. i have random reboots and other problems i've mentioned above.
  7. borka

    [rom] Ivan's Aosp Lollipop 5.1

    Same for me. seems that this ROM need some improvement. Also some apps are not running on it. Camera FV-5 for example.
  8. borka

    [rom] Ivan's Aosp Lollipop 5.1

    does anyone having a graphics distortions when scrolling up/down the screen in some apps/games?
  9. borka

    [rom] Ivan's Aosp Lollipop 5.1

    Is there a 5.4.2 update? if so, how you managed to update?
  10. borka

    Official LOLLIPOP based MIUI 6 for MI2/Mi2s coming in late Jan 2015

    Banks Gapps work fine for me.
  11. borka

    Low volume in incoming calls

    Hi guys, i'm using Ivan's AOSP 4.4.4 v4.8.19 rom and have this weird problem that most of the my incoming calls sounds weak and i barley can hear the other side. i have a solution for this - decrease the volume with the volume down button and the increase again and then it fix it. maybe someone...
  12. borka

    Does anybody have this problem?

    try to remove the battery and charge it with an external charger. i don't know why, but mi2s have this problem that sometimes when the battery is getting low or it's completely empty it won't let you to charge it with regular charger but only in the way I've wrote you here. hope it will help you.
  13. borka

    [ROMs] [4.12.5] Android 5.0 Lollipop for Xiaomi Mi 2/2S by Ivan Download

    Long press the left button instead.
  14. borka

    MIUICamera for NON-MIUI ROM's

    You can try, but i don't sure if it will work. Anyway you can try "Open Camera". just search it in the Play Store. It fixed my phones focusing issues, guess it would work for you also.
  15. borka

    MIUICamera for NON-MIUI ROM's

    Ohhh sorry didn't saw it :)
  16. borka

    MIUICamera for NON-MIUI ROM's

    Taken from XDA forum: Working perfectly on Ivan's new Android 5.0 ROM. Thanks to M1cha! Download the latest version from here: just install the apk file with...