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    Installing Magisk and Play Integrity Fix

    well apparently it works in mine...
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    Installing Magisk and Play Integrity Fix

    Hello, I'm using an old Redmi note 9 pro phone with the latest released miui eu rom, is it possible to pass the integrity check? I installed the latest XiaomiEUModule, I updated the play integrity fix but it's a no go. Edit: solved disabling the integrity fix module and disabled this thing...
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    Question about log files

    Hello, I'm using an old Redmi Note 9 pro with the latest stable released rom: Miui by with android 12 I'd need to know if the phone store anywhere a log file with the wifi connections with timestamps and if it does the same for telephone cells which was connected to. Thank...
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    Hello, I recently updated my Redmi note 9 pro to the latest stable. I used before the miui 12, made a factory reset and installed the new one. Everything works perfectly fine but I have a problem with Cube ACR, it doesn't even begin to record the calls despite it has been properly configured...
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    Redmi note 9 pro help with fastboot

    Thank you all. I resolved the issue using fastboot from another pc, probably the fastboot with many ????? was the issue
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    Redmi note 9 pro help with fastboot

    Hello, I bought a redmi note 9 pro from ebay, one week ago, it was sold as refurbished with no use time (it was true according to the usage time). Now i'm trying to boot the orangefox recovery but any command I give with fastboot I get this error: FAILED (command write failed (Unknown error))...
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    Redminote 9s and recording of phone calls.

    Thank you thank you, but I need to use ACR, that's why I asked if it works, could you please give it a try?
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    Redminote 9s and recording of phone calls.

    Hello, I have a question, I'm going to buy a redmi note 9 pro, I will install the rom, but for working purpose I will need to use acr calls to record the callings, it will be possibile or I will have to use the included call recording program?
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    MULTI 5.5.29

    Good evening, I installed on my redmi note 4g, before I was using the 5.03.13 version, I noticed that when I uninstall an application from the home screen there isn't any sound (which I had on older version) and then every time I restart the device I find...
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    CRT-OFF Screen Animation

    You are right I'm a complete noob, I instelled and played with fastboot just yesterday, i'm going to try to decompile services.jar with apk multi tool, thank you. Edit: I have been able to decompile the classes.dex inside service.jar there are many files inside, could you help me to find the...
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    CRT-OFF Screen Animation

    Thank you Sir. Can I do it with a file explorer or should I use twrp? Edit: I did it with a file manager, restarted the device but the screen animation is the same as before :\
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    CRT-OFF Screen Animation

    Good evening, I tried today the last weekly for Xiaomi Redmi NOTE 4G/LTE and I noticed there is a very nice effect when I lock the screen with the button on the right. I'd like to port this on weekly released from, how can I do it? Since the base rom is the same I think it shouldn't that...