MULTI 5.5.29

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I just registered but it´s been a while reading you all, so first of all thanks for all the work.

Is anyone experiencing with the last 3-4roms that battery lasts less or is it only me? Before that with ancient roms my phone lasted until night and lately with same usage drops dead at 8:00 pm

thank you!!!
I'm sorry for extremely noob question, but I was wondering can I install this ROM on Redmi 1S? It's Armani ROM right?
Thank you!
I'm sorry for extremely noob question, but I was wondering can I install this ROM on Redmi 1S? It's Armani ROM right?
Thank you!
Try looking at first post. There's a big table with devices names.
Yes. Our roms are official. They are straight from chinese source. We're adding more languages and include our more european fixes. Plus Google Apps.
On which day weekly ota update available as I have recently installed rom
I have Installed the new 5.5.29 on the my Mi 3.ihave clear all data before the Installation. What is the way to restore the backup of home / app from Micloud?I have about 600 MB In micloud but I don't understand in which way I can restore it!
I need confirmation whether I have installed appropriate ROM for redmi note WCDMA
after some days using this version I found a better stability in regards to the first lollipops version for MI2 but no major improvement in regards to kitkat.
It still 3 problems for my standard utilisation.
- standard launcher MIUI inusable lot of icons staying in waiting mode
- Sound quality with Bluetooth multimedia is worth than before
- Bigger Battery drain one refill per day is not more enough.
Anyways big thank to developers and I trust them to solve all major problems (and maybe smaller)
Where can i find a multi-lang MI NOTE PRO rom, want to check if the flashify works properly with it :) so i can use it in dutch....
after some days using this version I found a better stability in regards to the first lollipops version for MI2 but no major improvement in regards to kitkat.
It still 3 problems for my standard utilisation.
- standard launcher MIUI inusable lot of icons staying in waiting mode
- Sound quality with Bluetooth multimedia is worth than before
- Bigger Battery drain one refill per day is not more enough.
Anyways big thank to developers and I trust them to solve all major problems (and maybe smaller)

I have never experienced and no one has reported yet "icons in waiting mode" issue. It seems it is individual issue at you. IMHO it is the result of dirty flash MIUIv6-5.0 over previous JB or KK based ROM. Did you try to make wipe all data from MiRecovery? Please be aware you will lost all of your data including internal storage , but you will get clean system without this issue.
Please, can someone tell me why Mi Account does not backup icon position and home settings?
I checked the backup option and it's on but stuck weeks ago!
I beg of you!!!! Help!
I have a question, is there a way of unsitalling mi cloud app safely?

I dont use it and always recieved the notifaction starting the phone that 2 sms messages have to be sent in order to activate it.

How can i get rid of it? thanks!
Are we also going to get MULTI Lang ROM 6 Hrs earlier as official Chinese ROM is going to release 6 hrs earlier from tomorrow.
@ingbrzy Please reply.
I have never experienced and no one has reported yet "icons in waiting mode" issue. It seems it is individual issue at you. IMHO it is the result of dirty flash MIUIv6-5.0 over previous JB or KK based ROM. Did you try to make wipe all data from MiRecovery? Please be aware you will lost all of your data including internal storage , but you will get clean system without this issue.
Hello graw2
I have reported this problem 6days ago
I make a clean install using mi flash to use new partitions rules.
Then during formating all was erased. I spend lot of time to re-install all my apk's and music from MI cloud
Until now nobody answer to this problem.
What do you mind with IMHO?
Since 30/05 to have correct icons I use other launcher..
Good evening, I installed on my redmi note 4g, before I was using the 5.03.13 version, I noticed that when I uninstall an application from the home screen there isn't any sound (which I had on older version) and then every time I restart the device I find Mi authenticator and Transfer installed even if I uninstall them, is it working as intended?

Thank you in advance.
Everytime i use my earphones need to reboot phone to get media sound back on loudspeaker... anyone?
Hello graw2
I have reported this problem 6days ago
I make a clean install using mi flash to use new partitions rules.
Then during formating all was erased. I spend lot of time to re-install all my apk's and music from MI cloud
Until now nobody answer to this problem.
What do you mind with IMHO?
Since 30/05 to have correct icons I use other launcher..
IMHO = In My Honest Opinion

If you have used miflash with flash_all.bat script it is the best way to get clean installation. But if you have used any backup and restore function to get back your apps and settings it is also a possible reason for your problem. I am pretty sure If you make wipe all data from MiRecovery and install back all of your apps from Google Play one by one then you will not get this issue...

>> Sent from my Mi2S [MIUIv6-L] using Tapatalk <<
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