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  1. D

    Anyone know how to package apks? (or .mtz themes, for that matter)?

    I extracted the files from the framework-res.apk under system/framework and replaced the stock overscroll-edge.png and -glow.png images with blue overscroll images, but I don't know how to package the file once it's done. I tried opening my apk builder terminal in the android sdk but I have a...
  2. D

    Anyone know how to package apks? (or .mtz themes, for that matter)?

    Moved to the Q/s and A/s thread, my mistake for posting here.
  3. D

    Hopes and dreams for MIUI

    There is currently one function of the MIUI 1.4.1 release that I like the look of but that I think lacks functionality: the lockscreen notifications. When I go to check my new messages I like to look at the preview first to check whether or not I need to reply to them - the new message previews...