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  1. H

    Any Rom Without Widget Issue?

    Hello, I have a brandnew MIMAX2. After booting, no 3rd - party widget appears any more. Question: Which ROM fixes this widget-issue?
  2. H

    Attention: Since 7.2.9 Whatsapp (clone) Could Noch Access To Adresses

    Since Android N, MIUI 7.2.9 the cloned Session of WHATSAPP is not able to access the Adresses / Contacts of WhatsApp :-( Error: No rights, please give access. But the was given full Access.
  3. H

    Weekly Update After Root And Xposed/xmiui Installed?

    I have an MI.MAX 32 and 6.3.11 beta by rooted and with xposed and xMIUI 0,91. Q: Can i update new "weekly" ontop root and xMIUI?? Thanks Holger
  4. H

    Whats Wrong With Miui Germany? Offline?

    Miui Germany ist offline, Forum & Facebook! Any Idea??