Thanks! Very much appreciated. Happy Christmas holidays. Gonna monitor the system and take the steps accordingly :D
Edit 1: Seems to be some hardware defect. It just crashes randomly and ever so frequently. Did a few loops with different versions and now even format data. Long story short: It...
Thanks for the help. Do I have to wipe data or can I use the update option?
Edit: After today I might turn out to be an alcoholic if this ever happens again. My phone is working again and I did NOT have to wipe my data.
But it was not straightforward. I can say that. After your tip, I went...
Hey guys,
I normally try to fix things myself and that works most of the time but I am really stuck now. Since I do not want to do any (more) damage, I want to ask you guys for help.
So as a nice christmas present my Mi 11 (Venus) decided to turn itself off several times today and yesterday...
Siehst so aus als würde die App irgendeine andere Überprüfungsmethode zu verwenden, die trotzdem Root/Unlocked Bootloader erkennt. In dem Fall wäre es für dich das einfachste auf Global bzw. EEA zu wechseln und den Bootloader dann wieder zu sperren.
Dein Fehler hört sich wie ein SafetyNet/Root-Fehler an. Warum installierst du nicht einfach Magisk (siehe meinen Post weiter oben) und wählst die Digitales Amt App über magiskhide aus und schaust ob es funktioniert. Sollte es auf jeden Fall.
Ok I fixed safetynet with magisk. For anyone interested:
1. Magisk installation Tutorial:
2. SafetyNet Fix Tutorial...