MarkHUK that sounds awesome
So I gave it a try to test ICS for nexus one I got to say i love ICS and N1 still can handle ICS works like a charm even though it has some bugs.
I miss the whole MIUI experience so I gave a try some ported MIUI ICS ROMs for N1 it does need allot of work to work...
i so happy found a fix it was not a software problem, but 1.9.16 still helped
so here is what I did, cleaned the phone with air cleaned every dot that covers the speaker
hope it helps if someone run into this thing...
I have nexus one so the problem is if someone call's me or i call it very hard to hear the other person I am out of the ideas how to fix it
after flashing 1.9.9 (falshed like i was coming for an different ROM) there is a new problem every time i get a call the speaker turns on
Mark kick out this spammer "alablycag"
here is what he puts on this forum
I hate spammers!!!
In Setting/System there is NFC (ON/OFF)
What is that? How does it works?
I only see it in Nexus S and Nexus one does not have it. Is it just for Nexus S?
I hate this every time I open a browser the GPS turns on so how can I turn off GPS for the browser and not to disabled the whole GPS.
Sent from my Nexus One using the forum app