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  1. B

    New 3.5.10 i9000 bugs - sms writing and home button issue

    Well, that actually partially works if I leave a letter in English, but if I remove all English letters afterwords (like for example before sending) I cannot edit the Hebrew text... this is rather annoying I must say.. :\
  2. B

    New 3.5.10 i9000 bugs - sms writing and home button issue

    Hi there, Finally the home button issue was fixed! But sadly, i'm still experiencing problems with SMS writing. I found out that this happens only when I write in Hebrew. Typing works fine with English. Also, this only happens with MIUI sms messaging app. No issue with any other app writing in...
  3. B

    New 3.5.10 i9000 bugs - sms writing and home button issue

    Hi, I'd like to report two bugs. The first is that if I write a text message, I can't edit the text. If I click on a mispelled word (or anywhere on the written text), I loose the ability to edit the text and continue writing. The only option is to delete everything by cutting out each and every...
  4. B

    Release MIUI Multi-Language Rom 2.7.20 [ICS]

    Hi, Any chance to see SGS included?