system destroyed

  1. arpop2061

    [HELP] System has been destroyed after EDL flash

    Hi! I've bught a chinese 12 Pro with an unlocked bootloader and global firmware. After accidentally locking the bootloader the phone only booted into recovery. Mi Unlock wouldn't complete re-unlocking (message was: Please add your account in MIUI's Settings) so I resorted to one of these...
  2. M

    Why no one is talking about System destroyed issue in EU beta? K20PRO/MI9TPRO

    Hey Xiaomi Eu devs, I am not complaining about anything. You work really hard on eu roms. But I am facing system destroyed lately. I am a big fan of this beta rom and I won't complain about any bugs because you fix them as soon as possible. Here I got 2 times system destroyed in 2 weeks. My...