system laucher

  1. M

    "Recents" menu not working with other launchers like Nova

    Hi, is there some common MIUI forum here as I guess this is not device specific? The "Recent Apps" button doesn't work as expected when using Nova Launcher as default. Sometimes switching to other apps works, but the split screen makes it freeze. Sometimes even switching to other apps doesn't...
  2. W

    System Launcher Xiaomi Eu 21.8.18

    I have been trying to update the system launcher on my device Mi 9 (cepheus) with the rom version EU 21.8.18 but it is not possible, is there any way to update it to have the most recent from this same rom? greetings to all
  3. L

    Invalid system launcher consuming much battery in gestures in full screen

    Hello, developers and members, I am now using the 8.12.6 v2 weekly version on my Redmi 5 Plus (Vince). however, when I use gestures in full screen, the system launcher consumes a lot of battery power, the percentage increases with each use time, reaching 30% of use, which I do not have this...