3.8.2 multi t9 and it did not work at all can anyone help..


22 Jun 2011
i want to ask if anyone can who knows java (smali) can help me to apply some mods i know all the procedure but i am making some mistakes (dont know where) cause in the latest 3.8.2 they made (xiomi) a huge changes in mms.apk and contactsprovider.apk.

if anyone is interest to help me please pm or nikkpap@gmail.com (hangout-google+-email) or nikkpap (skype)

thanks in advance

i tried this on 3.8.2 multi t9 and it did not work at all can anyone help.... i decompiled the caontactsprovider.apk and copy the t9multiutils.smali on C:\MIUI\_XIAOMI_MIUI_V5_APKMULTITOOL_1.0.11.3\projects\ContactsProvider.apk\smali\com\android\providers\contacts\t9 and then i replaced the code one the f.smali by searching for this .method public static b(C)C


.method public static b(C)C
    .locals 2
    .line 306
    const/4 v0, 0x0
    .line 307
    const/16 v1, 0x41
    if-lt p0, v1, :cond_1
    const/16 v1, 0x5a
    if-gt p0, v1, :cond_1
    .line 308
    sget-object v0, Lcom/android/providers/contacts/t9/f;->bJ:[C
    add-int/lit8 v1, p0, -0x41
    aget-char p0, v0, v1
    .line 316
    return p0
    .line 309
    const/16 v1, 0x61
    if-lt p0, v1, :cond_2
    const/16 v1, 0x7a
    if-gt p0, v1, :cond_2
    .line 310
    sget-object v0, Lcom/android/providers/contacts/t9/f;->bJ:[C
    add-int/lit8 v1, p0, -0x61
    aget-char p0, v0, v1
    goto :goto_0
    .line 311
    const/16 v1, 0x3105
    if-lt p0, v1, :cond_3
    const/16 v1, 0x3129
    if-gt p0, v1, :cond_3
    .line 312
    sget-object v0, Lcom/android/providers/contacts/t9/f;->bK:[C
    add-int/lit16 v1, p0, -0x3105
    aget-char p0, v0, v1
    goto :goto_0
    .line 313
    invoke-static {p0}, Lcom/android/providers/contacts/t9/f;->a(C)Z
    move-result v1
    if-nez v1, :cond_0
    move p0, v0
    goto :goto_0
.end method


.method public static b(C)C
.locals 1
    .parameter "c"
    .line 5
    invoke-static {p0}, Lcom/android/providers/contacts/t9/T9MultiUtils;->formatCharToT9(C)C 
    move-result v0
    return v0
.end method

as the http://miuiandroid.com/community/threads/mod-v5-multilanguage-t9-dialer.7898/
roenano says in his post... in the previous 3.7.26 and before it works like a charm but i thing something goes wrong cause xiomi made critical changes can any one help
the some in mms.apk i have a working 160 char mod apk multilang for 3.7.26 but cant make the same in 3.8.2 if i can provide you the working on can anyone help me... this has to be a tutorial cause with this mods can we use more friendly our devices...
i can install exdialer but i will lose all the good stuff like block contacts and privet sms... so i am stuck in the 3.7.26 plz i am asking for your help (i have to learn how to mod this i dont wont to aks over and over again)

also a Q is hoh to make the bar in http://miuiandroid.com/community/threads/contacts-in-other-alphabet-sort-order-string.21514/
this post to be multilag its a sting its pngs its both and where????
I think 160char mod will not work for ports. MIUI made some special changes in framework.jar. Two commits:

But those commits are not in patchrom_android so only official devices have working sms mod. I have MI-2 and T9 Dialer mod is working ok.
Also sms mod 160chars is confirmed to be working on SGS3 3.8.2 and later.
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I think 160char mod will not work for ports. MIUI made some special changes in framework.jar. Two commits:

But those commits are not in patchrom_android so only official devices have working sms mod. I have MI-2 and T9 Dialer mod is working ok.
Also sms mod 160chars is confirmed to be working on SGS3 3.8.2 and later.

and what is your opinion my friend ??? it will be made or it will never be done??? is it possible if someone can take care of it???
where i have to look for the mod in the framework.jar cause i know someone who made the original mms.apk mode
Well I think you should add those commits to framework.jar because its not in patchrom_android.
I don't know how can I be more specific?... As I said MIUI made a commit to framework.jar (they changed that file) by adding this:
Later they added this:
Green = changes
Red = deletions.

Those commits are only for patchroms for official devices. But devs who build ports are using patchrom_android. That repo doesnt have that commits, thus framework.jar is not patched and mms.apk can FC when adding mod. You need to merge that commits into your framework.jar in your port.
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This was really more helpful. Thank man if I have a "Q" I will ask again...

Send from an other universe
I just made a clean install with the latest release from here but in Greek lang it doesn't work ...
The only time it worked great was on 3.7.26 with the mod above..
But in newer version it cant be done ?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!
I also rebuild the index from settings but.... nothing please help me to apply the above mod in the latest