New [9.3.21][Mi 8] 5 seconds lag "Open with"


20 Mar 2019
When I click on a url link in some apps I'm having a 5 seconds lag/delay. Phone freezees for a while and then "open with" shows. It happens regardless it's link for youtube, chrome or something else. When I set option "always open with" and then I click on a url link, there is no lag, but also there is no chose.

03-26 09:06:53.627  2567  2623 W MiuiGesturePointerEventListener: onActionDown end: mGestureStatus = 0: system_server
03-26 09:06:53.738  2567  2623 W MiuiGesturePointerEventListener: onActionUp: mGestureStatus = 0  mTailDistance = 6.708203932499369  mIsEnterRecents = false: system_server
03-26 09:06:53.798 18946 18946 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request time:41729419 intent:Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat= (has extras) }: com.tippingcanoe.pepperpl
03-26 09:06:53.820  2567  5155 I sysui_multi_action: [757,899,758,4,901,7,902,0,903,ed30c4a2-b17f-45ff-8e31-e4e53860f879]: system_server
03-26 09:06:53.821  2567  5155 W XSpaceManagerService: checkXSpaceControl, from:com.tippingcanoe.pepperpl, to:android, with act:android.intent.action.VIEW, callingUserId:0, toUserId:0: system_server
03-26 09:06:53.822  2567  5155 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat= cmp=android/ (has extras)} from uid 10160: system_server
03-26 09:06:53.827  2567  5155 I am_create_activity: [0,35084008,18227,android/,android.intent.action.VIEW,NULL,,8388608]: system_server
03-26 09:06:53.834  2567  5155 D ActivityTrigger: activityStartTrigger: Activity is not Triggerred in full screen ApplicationInfo{49ef9e7 android}: system_server
03-26 09:06:53.835  2567  5155 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0: system_server
03-26 09:06:53.835  2567  5155 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440: system_server
03-26 09:06:53.835  2567  5155 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0: system_server
03-26 09:06:53.835  2567  5155 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: Activity is not Triggerred in full screen ApplicationInfo{49ef9e7 android}: system_server
03-26 09:06:53.835  2567  5155 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger : system_server
03-26 09:06:53.836  2567  5155 I am_pause_activity: [18946,172167043,com.tippingcanoe.pepperpl/,userLeaving=true]: system_server
03-26 09:06:53.845 18946 18946 W InputEventReceiver: Slow Input: took 107ms in dispatching, now at finishInputEvent (MotionEvent: event_seq=989, seq=467704, action=ACTION_UP): com.tippingcanoe.pepperpl
03-26 09:06:53.846 18946 18946 I am_on_paused_called: [0,,performPause,1]: com.tippingcanoe.pepperpl
03-26 09:06:53.847  2567  5727 D ActivityTrigger: activityResumeTrigger: Activity is not Triggerred in full screen ApplicationInfo{49ef9e7 android}: system_server
03-26 09:06:53.852 19394 19394 W ActivityThread: handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@d6528a0: system:ui
03-26 09:06:53.857  2567  5727 I am_restart_activity: [0,35084008,18227,android/,19394]: system_server
03-26 09:06:53.857  2567  5727 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0: system_server
03-26 09:06:53.857  2567  5727 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440: system_server
03-26 09:06:53.858  2567  5727 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0: system_server
03-26 09:06:53.860  8397  8089 D GameBoosterService: onGameStatusChange foreground:ForegroundInfo{mForegroundPackageName='android', mForegroundUid=1000, mForegroundPid=19394, mLastForegroundPackageName='com.tippingcanoe.pepperpl', mLastForegroundUid=10160, mLastForegroundPid=18946, mMultiWindowForegroundPackageName='null', mMultiWindowForegroundUid=-1, mFlags=0}: com.miui.securitycenter.remote
03-26 09:06:53.861  2567  5727 I am_set_resumed_activity: [0,android/,minimalResumeActivityLocked]: system_server
03-26 09:06:53.867  2567  5727 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:41729488: system_server
03-26 09:06:53.868  2567  2622 I sysui_count: [window_time_0,5]: system_server
03-26 09:06:53.869  2567  2622 I sysui_multi_action: [757,803,799,window_time_0,802,5]: system_server
03-26 09:06:53.872  5483  7447 W PushService: 2019-03-26 09:06:53,872 - [WARN::PushService] - isNotify:false: com.xiaomi.xmsf
03-26 09:06:53.909  2567  5155 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0: system_server
03-26 09:06:53.909  2567  5155 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440: system_server
03-26 09:06:53.909  2567  5155 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0: system_server
03-26 09:06:53.928 19394 19400 I system:ui: Compiler allocated 4MB to compile void android.widget.TextView.<init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int, int): system:ui
03-26 09:06:53.943  2567  2622 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0: system_server
03-26 09:06:53.943  2567  2622 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440: system_server
03-26 09:06:53.943  2567  2622 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0: system_server
03-26 09:06:53.960  2567  5155 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0: system_server
03-26 09:06:53.960  2567  5155 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440: system_server
03-26 09:06:53.960  2567  5155 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0: system_server
03-26 09:06:54.090  2567  2577 I system_server: Background concurrent copying GC freed 87822(5MB) AllocSpace objects, 40(18MB) LOS objects, 38% free, 38MB/62MB, paused 91us total 112.777ms: system_server
/system/bin/sh: can't open /proc/kmsg: Permission denied
/system/bin/sh: can't open /proc/kmsg: Permission denied
/system/bin/sh: can't open /proc/kmsg: Permission denied
03-26 09:06:57.099  4704  4704 D DefaultPhoneNotifier: notifySignalStrength: ss=SignalStrength: 99 0 -120 -160 -120 -160 -1 21 -104 -11 72 2147483647 0 2147483647 99 255 2147483647 gsm|lte use_rsrp_and_rssnr_for_lte_level  [-120, -115, -110, -105, -97] [-115, -105, -95, -85] phoneId=0 subId=3:
/system/bin/sh: can't open /proc/kmsg: Permission denied
03-26 09:06:58.860 19394 19394 I binder_sample: [,1,4958,system:ui,100]: system:ui
03-26 09:06:58.866 19394 19400 I system:ui: Integer.valueOf will not be optimized: system:ui
03-26 09:06:58.877  4321  4321 D EventBus: [4321, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent):
03-26 09:06:58.877  4321  4321 D EventBus: [4321, u0]  -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0x44d9443, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent):
03-26 09:06:58.877  4321  4321 D EventBus: [4321, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 18 microseconds, avg: 10589:
03-26 09:06:58.878  2567  2675 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_ready time:41734499: system_server
03-26 09:06:58.879  2567  2675 I Timeline: Timeline: App_transition_stopped time:41734500: system_server
03-26 09:06:58.879  4321  4321 D EventBus: [4321, u0] send(AppTransitionFinishedEvent):
03-26 09:06:58.879  4321  4321 D EventBus: [4321, u0]  -> ForcedResizableInfoActivityController [0x44d9443, P1] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent):
03-26 09:06:58.880  4321  4321 D EventBus: [4321, u0] onBusEvent(AppTransitionFinishedEvent) duration: 13 microseconds, avg: 10588:
03-26 09:06:58.938  5227 25614 E InstantApps: HashPrefixFilterImpl: Found domain with no filters!:
03-26 09:06:59.041  2567  4751 D CompatibilityInfo: mCompatibilityFlags - 0: system_server
03-26 09:06:59.041  2567  4751 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationDensity - 440: system_server
03-26 09:06:59.041  2567  4751 D CompatibilityInfo: applicationScale - 1.0: system_server
03-26 09:06:59.061 19394 19400 I system:ui: Integer.valueOf will not be optimized: system:ui
03-26 09:06:59.078 19394 19394 I sysui_action: [453,android.intent.action.VIEW:null:]: system:ui
03-26 09:06:59.078 19394 19394 I sysui_multi_action: [757,453,758,4,806,android.intent.action.VIEW:null:]: system:ui
03-26 09:06:59.078 19394 19394 I am_on_create_called: [0,,performCreate,5203]: system:ui
03-26 09:06:59.078 19394 19394 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity android/ onCreate took 5203ms: system:ui
03-26 09:06:59.082 19394 19394 I am_on_start_called: [0,,handleStartActivity,0]: system:ui
03-26 09:06:59.085 19394 19394 I am_on_resume_called: [0,,RESUME_ACTIVITY,2]: system:ui
03-26 09:06:59.103 19394 19394 I am_lifecycle_sample: [0,system:ui,159,5243]: system:ui
03-26 09:06:59.106  4321  4321 D GestureStubView: resetRenderProperty: showGestureStub:
03-26 09:06:59.106  4321  4321 D GestureStubView: showGestureStub:
03-26 09:06:59.106  4321  4321 D GestureStubView: resetRenderProperty: showGestureStub:
03-26 09:06:59.106  4321  4321 D GestureStubView: showGestureStub:
03-26 09:06:59.159  4321  4321 D GestureStubView: gatherTransparentRegion: need render w:54  h:1348:
/system/bin/sh: can't open /proc/kmsg: Permission denied
03-26 09:06:59.240  4321  4321 I [30099] : 0:
03-26 09:06:59.202  4321  4321 D GestureStubView: gatherTransparentRegion: need render w:54  h:1348:
03-26 09:06:59.241  4321  4321 D StatusBar: disable<e i a s b h r c s > disable2<q i n g r >:
03-26 09:06:59.244  4321  4321 D PhoneStatusBar/NavigationBarView: setDisabledFlags back:false home:false recent:false:
03-26 09:06:59.258  2567  2621 I sysui_multi_action: [319,5079,322,5424,325,41729,757,761,758,8,759,3,806,android,871,,904,com.tippingcanoe.pepperpl,905,0,1320,12,1321,1]: system_server
03-26 09:06:59.260  2567  2675 I am_activity_launch_info: [0,35084008,android/,5375,5375,19394]: system_server
03-26 09:06:59.260  2567  2675 I am_activity_launch_time: [0,35084008,android/,5375,5375]: system_server
03-26 09:06:59.260  2567  2675 I ActivityManager: Displayed android/ +5s375ms: system_server
03-26 09:06:59.260  2567  2675 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{21756e8 u0 android/ t18227} time:41734881: system_server
03-26 09:06:59.273 19394 20201 D IconCustomizer: Content Ratio = -1.0: system:ui
03-26 09:06:59.275 19394 20201 D IconCustomizer: Generate customized icon for com.tippingcanoe.pepperpl.png: system:ui
03-26 09:06:59.884 19394 19402 W MIUI-BLOCK-MONITOR: TheBinderCall at thread 19394 took 4960ms.: system:ui
03-26 09:06:59.895 19394 19402 W MIUI-BLOCK-MONITOR: {"eventType":4,"eventTypeName":"BinderCall","seq":49,"pid":19394,"uid":1000,"processName":"system:ui","packageName":"android","threadId":19394,"threadName":"main","beginTime":41729520,"endTime":41734480,"policy":0,"priority":-10,"schedGroup":0,"runningTime":0,"runnableTime":0,"sleepingTime":0,"endRealTime":0,"eventFlags":1,"interface":"","code":1,"stack":["$Stub$Proxy.queryUsageStats(None)","","-.queryAndAggregateUsageStats","<init>","<init>","","-.createAdapter","-.configureContentView","-.onCreate","-.onCreate","","-.performCreate","",""]}: system:ui
03-26 09:07:00.015  4321  4321 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate:
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When I want to share/send file it's the same.

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