Access lockscreen music controls w/o playing music!


6 Nov 2010
I don't know if anyone noticed or knew this, but i just found out that if you double-tap the lock icon in the lockscreen, it will pull up the music control and you can play tracks without having to unlock the phone.

The only caveat was that it defaulted to the stock music apk instead of powerAMP.apk that I use for music.
Re: Re: Access lockscreen music controls w/o playing music!

helfone said:
MrDSL said:
Nice find!! It does launch MixZing for me though :)

how did get u get the lockscreen music controls working with a custom music app?

It just works for me. I didn't do anything special except make mixzing my default music app.
I'll mess around with some things and see if I can get it to default with powerAmp.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
Re: Re: Access lockscreen music controls w/o playing music!

xmellyx said:
I'll mess around with some things and see if I can get it to default with powerAmp.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

I tried this with power amp, but it didn't with properly. The lockscreen music controls just play the regular music app. Unfortunately :(
Got it! You just need to set powerAmp as the default music player as MrDSL said:

If you have a file manager/explorer (I used ES File Explorer), use it to open any music file and set powerAmp as the default in the popup. The lockscreen controls should now launch powerAmp even if it's not playing. :cool:
xacro said:
Got it! You just need to set powerAmp as the default music player as MrDSL said:

If you have a file manager/explorer (I used ES File Explorer), use it to open any music file and set powerAmp as the default in the popup. The lockscreen controls should now launch powerAmp even if it's not playing. :cool:

how did u get this to work? I did exactly this, but the lockscreen music controls still control the stock music app. Im sure that powerAmp is the default player.

Does the 'equalization visualisation' work when u play music with poweramp?
Hmmm.. I haven't set poweramp as mine default music player and it works at lockscreen. Also can control it while locked with trackball.

Sent from my HTC Desire using the Forums App
how did u get this to work? I did exactly this, but the lockscreen music controls still control the stock music app. Im sure that powerAmp is the default player.

Does the 'equalization visualisation' work when u play music with poweramp?

All I did was that - before, it used the stock player, and after, it used powerAmp for me. The only other thing I did was to kill powerAmp to see whether it would still work.

And if you mean the animation/visualisation on the lockscreen while playing music, it doesn't work. It shows up, but it's static.

Hmmm.. I haven't set poweramp as mine default music player and it works at lockscreen. Also can control it while locked with trackball.

That's interesting. How are you controlling it with the trackball?
i now got it to work. It's a setting in poweramp that needs to be enabled for this too work.

'enable headset controls' needs to be checked for this feature to work. Working now so I'm happy :)

Sent from my Nexus One using the Forums App
That's interesting. How are you controlling it with the trackball?
First I activated music control by doubletap the lock screen, tap the play and start play. Hit the power button to put it to "sleep" (whatever it call) or just let it auto sleep and 2 time wake up the phone again. Then I get the "poweramp lockscreen" (I think its) and just control it with the trackball. Swyping the trackball left/right let u choose: play/pause/forward/backward/next/back album etc...