i can't movie any app on the sdcard on the nexus s after updating to 1.8.19
spider623 Members 20 Aug 2011 137 40 20 Aug 2011 #1 i can't movie any app on the sdcard on the nexus s after updating to 1.8.19
spider623 Members 20 Aug 2011 137 40 21 Aug 2011 #4 the build in app2sd from gingerbread not the app it says that my sdcard is full(5gb free) and i can not move anything from to the phone
the build in app2sd from gingerbread not the app it says that my sdcard is full(5gb free) and i can not move anything from to the phone
G goljat Members 21 Jun 2011 8 11 23 Aug 2011 #5 I can move apps to sdcard but when I do the app icons disapear.