Auto brightness response too slow? Sent from my HTC Desire using the Forums App
edwardally Members 16 Nov 2010 25 11 4 Dec 2010 #1 Auto brightness response too slow? Sent from my HTC Desire using the Forums App
B bane Members 22 Nov 2010 10 11 4 Dec 2010 #2 I've noticed the same thing on mine. The response is very sluggish. Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
I've noticed the same thing on mine. The response is very sluggish. Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
P pete777 Members 29 Nov 2010 1 11 4 Dec 2010 #4 For me its working only one way. When you move from dark to light place it increases brightness correctly..but when you move from light to dark it will not decrease the backlight, you need to switch off screen..this is really weird..
For me its working only one way. When you move from dark to light place it increases brightness correctly..but when you move from light to dark it will not decrease the backlight, you need to switch off screen..this is really weird..