Battery Drain


15 May 2011
Since updating to 1.8.12 my battery is running out very very fast.
2 hours with no use and i get reduce by 20% !
i cant finish the day with 1 battery or without recharging during the day...

Please help :\
i feel the same way. this has been a problem now for awhile. i have tried everything. making sure my phone is charged before flashing the ROM, calibrating the battery, killing all apps, ive tried juice defender and nothing seems to help. i have not found anything usefull yet.
Give us more details Like
phone model
Which Network 2G/3G?
Application Installed and running.?
do you use WiFi and is it on all the time.?
you can use built in power usage monitor and check which application is using up all the power.

i feel the same way. this has been a problem now for awhile. i have tried everything. making sure my phone is charged before flashing the ROM, calibrating the battery, killing all apps, ive tried juice defender and nothing seems to help. i have not found anything usefull yet.
Killing application can sometime make it worst instead try turning of features you do not use like WiFi bluetooth, increase the time duration for WiFi scan. I was able to get 3 hours more in standby by just changing wifi scan from 1 mins to 5 mins with Wifi always on. and ever since i started using Wifi Auto On by Mvs stand by increased by 7 hours hope this helps.
Droid x 1.8.12
no wifi
phone idle and cell standby seem to be the hogs, so i installed juice defender and that seems to kinda help. my phone will drop 20% while listening to a podcast for 45minutes, this was never an issue until i installed miui. i came over from Liberty and had fairly decent life, but i love miui and im trying to get it to at least an appropriate level. yesterday i dropped 7% just playing a word on w/friends two minutes of use and almost 10% gone.... no bueno.
I have been experiencing bad battery drain from version 1.7 onwards. As with cancerousbull, the main hogs are "Phone idle" and "Cell Standby". I use a Nexus One device. Tried 2 different batteries. Same result with both. During the night, the phone goes 8-10% down. I used to have 1-2% drained overnight with some of the previous versions of MIUI. What happened?
Today I experienced something interesting.
Did you notice that in areas where is a weak signal when you try to talk, there is a good reception but your phone goes hot ???
I think that older versions and new one ( and higher) of radios are different set to use power for talking.
Older ones use less power for keeping signal with near by mobile cells and when far away from them it is still low power usage, but phone conectivity and signal are more poorer.
In newer versions o radio, i noticed, there is always a good reception and transmiting during calls but there is a warm up of the phone, cause from higher power given to GSM radio.
I think this is the main problem of battery drain, and it could be fixed by re-setting power levels for gsm signals on the phones.
I have no time to check with older versions of radio, but if there is a candidate to check this, and also to measure output in mW with different radios, there lays the answer of battery drain issue.

did you calibrate your battery?

I'm using a DX and I gave up trying to keep track of how long I stay charged for. I bought a couple spare batteries and a charger for $20 and now I just don't care.

Much easier than trying to charge my phone fully, discharge it fully, charge it fully, then calibrate....I flash ROM's too often for all that. A 15 second battery swap and I'm all set.
No, that is not the point. The point is WHY it is happening. Should we left everything as it is, so maybe in some other version we had an issue where for somebody's will of very strong signal (or whatever else) our battery drain out for , say...2-3 hours ??
We must find out cause of battery drain and fix it. If the guys from CWM fix it than here it could be fixed too.
Do a little test today.....I never wipe battery status so I decided early this morning (7.00 am CET) to do it.
Since last night I put on charge my phone. This morning (after 4-5 hours of charging) I disconnect it, and power off my phone. Put it back to charger (off state) and wait for app. 15 min to do full recharge. Disconect it and went to HBOOT. Deleted battery status and voila....Now I'm on 95%, stable, not draining, and with above average phone talk today. It stays for over 3 hours on 100% status, then put it down to 95, where it stays now...
I'll post when I'll get my battery total drain out.
It will be great if you can please write the full process of what you did in order for us to follow if it really helps.
As much details as better :)
OK, now it is 19.00 CET . I have 81%....Very good.
The procedure:
First at all I drained my battery do max, but not forced to shut down.
Plug my charger and let it charge for all night. Leave it on charge even it shows that is full.
Disconected charger, and power off my phone.
Plug in charger and let it charge, waiting for a green light.
When green turns on, disconected my phone.
Power+VolDown = HBOOT
Delete batery status.

This is the same procedure everywhere described. But without one step of charging (also described above).

My screen brightness is set to auto, using 3G preffered option.
Also my wi-fi and data are turned off during calls.
Animations are off (I don;t like them)

I have to mention that brighter screen means more power consumption even on original Android. More darker, more power left in battery :)

This is all I have to say. This is not something special. Just followed instructions how to recalibrate my battery.

No, that is not the point. The point is WHY it is happening. Should we left everything as it is, so maybe in some other version we had an issue where for somebody's will of very strong signal (or whatever else) our battery drain out for , say...2-3 hours ??
We must find out cause of battery drain and fix it. If the guys from CWM fix it than here it could be fixed too.

I wasn't aware you were a dev working on the issue. Or by "we" did you mean "they"?

The issue is, and always has been, that after flashing a new ROM the battery isn't accurate unless you calibrate. There is no battery drain and there has always been a fix. People are just too impatient and/or lazy to use it. I presented my solution to the issue.

In other words....quit complaining about a non issue. Either fix it yourself or stfu
Hey rudeguy, did you read mu post above yours ???
I do not say I'm a developer but somehow I think I like to find out issues and bugs in order something to be better than it was.
I know that battery reset should be done (which I did) and that it should be fixed by it, but reading other forums it supposed that there IS a issue that drains out battery. Also problem with heating of phone during calls that shows up in version 1.8.19 is interesting because it did not happened before (2.3.4a and Android 2.2) .
So, all I want is a better world for all of us :) with MIUI.
I know i shouldn;t use WE but THEY but hey we are humens, we make mistakes.