Battery Life Experience And Optimization Xiaomi Mi5s


22 Oct 2016
Greetings Xiaomi Mi5s owners,

I’ve run Xiaomi official firmware Devel and Stable each 2 days but I could not make it through the day (max 11-12 hours) on normal, average use with one battery charge. Now I’ve been running firmware Weekly and Stable each 2 days and the battery lasts a bit longer but also here max 13-14 hours.

I’ve done all battery optimizations I could think of on both profiles/spaces:

+ limited apps permissions via security manager so that they do not run idle in the background
+ optimized screen settings
+ froze some system apps through Titanium
+ installed battery app Greenify
+ even deleted all Google apps (incl. play store, play services) etc.

but still I’m a bit disappointed by short battery life of my Xiaomi Mi5s! With my normal/average use, at least I should be able to make it through the day (24h) without rechargin the battery.

Apart from the not-so-impressive battery life, I’m very satisfied with my Mi5s, 4/128GB. CPU is fast, firmware (although it could be a bit leaner!) runs very smooth. Btw. Xiaomi developers kudos on double profiles/spaces mode, works very well.

I really do hope that Xiaomi will radically improve the battery life with their next update (Android 7)!

I kindly ask other Xiaomi Mi5s owners to use this Thread and report about their experience with battery life and eventually give tips for a better battery optimization.

Edit on December 16:

I'm getting now approx. 25h battery life on one charge. Hiding system animations did the trick.

Settings / Battery & Performance / System Animatons / Hide System Animatons
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Maybe the fingerprint sensor is draining a significant amount of battery, because it's always on.
Could be nice if we could activate it only when screen is on.
Would be worth testing !
Hi Sebastien

I haven't even activated the fingerprint sensor, mainly due to privacy concerns... I canot imagine that Xiaomo has activated the fingerprint sensor by default, at least I could not see anywhere in the firmware that is is activated by default.

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