Battery Life Redmi 4 Prime


30 Oct 2016
Hi guys,

Question: batterylife of redmi 4 prime reduces after couple of days. Clearing cache and dalvik resets it to great again (9 hours sot) but after 2,3 days back to 6 hours sot again. Wakelock detector only shows xiaomi services triggers it slot but even when I freeze this in titanium back up the sot doesn't get better. Do you guys know what could cause this? I know 6 hours of sot is still good but I want the device to perform maximum. Thanks!
Well it always depends on your use, I could get 9-14 hours of OST, depending on usage. Right now im on ResurrectionRemix and battery life is a little worse.
Yes, check XDA or 4PDA if you have an account there. Its pretty much stable except for some locationamangerservice wakelock, but everything is working