Boot loop to recovery.

that is a generic IO error, could be anything from cable to the usb port and or the whole pc. Try with another computer

some general tips:
rename the rom folder to something short like...\desktop\rom\cmi , use the best cable you have and a tight usb port :D

you can also try flashing the image manually just to check if it works
fastboot flash super <path to rom>\super.img

but my best tip is to use another pc
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Can you show me the IMG folder?
So in an odd turn of events, the last time I tried to miflash it completely wiped out my recovery.
I installed a new recovery, and tried to flash a zip, and it worked.
But I've done all of this before. I'm so confused lol. But at least my phone works again.
Thanks for everyone that helped.
So in an odd turn of events, the last time I tried to miflash it completely wiped out my recovery.
I installed a new recovery, and tried to flash a zip, and it worked.
But I've done all of this before. I'm so confused lol. But at least my phone works again.
Thanks for everyone that helped.
Glad it's working :)