Bootloop on redmi note 8


30 Jun 2017
Hi everybody i've a serious bootloop with my RN 8 due to a bad flash to fake dolby atmos ;my phone is rooted with magisk 20.4 and run with the last beta weekly 20.8.20
i 've tried to flash the original firmware for RN8 VIA FASTBOOT with MIFLASH but when i start to flash i've a red message ERROR and status say can't found flash_all.bat and MIFLASH STOP
i've always access to twrp but i only know this solution to flash the firware of a RN 8
What am i supposed to do if somebody can help me to manage it , it will be great
Hi there...

I think you need to open the .tgz file (fastboot ROM file you've downloaded) with 7zip, then you need to extract the ZIP inside the tgz.
After that, unpack newly extracted .zip to a folder, then finally point MiFlaahTool to fully extracted ROM and everything should work.