New Bug Redmi Note 4x 7.9.7

Sérgio Pereira

24 Jul 2014
few bugs on redmi note 4x 7.9.17:

editing gallery sometimes FC
battery drain
i turn on developer options and usb debugging, doesnt stay, if i reboot i have to do it again
battery stats turn to 0 after a reboot or turn off the if i have 3 hours of screen and reboot, turns to 1minute..cant see battery stats like i should..
blocklist also restart always after a reboot, i select no blocklist and it turns on
I have also noticed another bug on this version and also on other version. When I first turn on the phone, the GPS is not working correctly, it is impossible to use the GPS. I have to turn the GPS Off end turn it on again to fix a satellite. Noticed with Waze. This bug was also noticed on previous developer ROM. Redmi Note 4X with 7.9.7 Rom

Same battery bug on 7.9.14..cant record stats..after a reboot reset to 0..also on video files can't delete video on MI VÍDEO.