can someone who did a port post a tutorial ?


9 Dec 2010
I have the fealing that this forum part is only for asking people to do ports...

I think it would be better if someone do a tutorial (with pictures or video) and if this tutorial would be sticked...

I would try to port a rom to the desire HD (ACE) but i have no idea how i should proceed, so my only hope is that someone do it...
whereas with a tutorial, i could do it myself, or some other volunter would do it before me ^^

but for the actual way .... well it is just hope
I tried a simple thing :

downloading the desire (not HD) MIUI ROM
downloading a desire HD ROM
using dsixda kitchen to port the MIUI ROM
but it did not work, the recovery give me an error at the end of process
Board does not support mtd utils E:Failure at line 244
write_raw_image Package: boot

Then I tried the same thing with an EVO 4G MIUI ROM, same thing happens... only the error line changed a bit

so like i through, there is no easy brainless porting ...
If someone has idea or will help me, i would appreciate it ^^