Could You Help Me Choosing?


3 Mar 2018
Hi guys, i'm new to this forum.
I have bought mi Mi5 a year ago, and i've always used the global rom because i didn't want to get into modding and stuff like that, just wanted to try the "standard" experience.
Then i discovered a custom rom called Pixel Experience that maybe some of you know, which is currently running android 8.1, but i'm not feeling that good with it since it's a kinda new rom, support isn't one of the best ones and i really miss my phone to turn on by itself when there is an alarm.
Then i heard that released an update with android 8.0.
Now, could you convince me that is worth a try? I also know that another "famous" os is Lineage, that also runs Android 8.1, but i haven't ever tried it.

Things i'd like to have:
-Good battery performance (Consider that in a year i've always charged my phone while turned off and from low to high, like people suggest to do)
-Good camera (even though i can install the pixel apk so i don't think it's really a problem)
-Capable of Magisk systemless installation and Xposed

Thanks for your help, i'm sorry for any grammar mistakes, english is not my main language.
Hey, I can help you since I've ben running different roms ever since I got the phone.
I used the rom most of all, then I tried Paranoid (based on Nougat), the Pixel experience rom and I'm currently running Lineage OS 15.1. Everytime I rooted the phone with SuperSU or Magisk and enabled the camera api to use the *no-support-for-this-app-on-this-forum* port.
I never noticed differences in battery performace, but I noticed a huge difference in overall performance with stock roms compared to
Every rom has pros and cons obviously, but if you want to try something different I higly recommend the Pixel Experience rom. You're right, it's new, but it's already stable and fast.
The differences between global MIUI and are listed on the main post of each release, but I never used the global rom so I can't tell you much.

Edit: also, I wouldn't recommend the 8.3.2 rom based on Oreo, it's still a beta and people are complaining about bugs.
Thanks for the reply, i'll stick with the Pixel Experience then, i read that they are improving the base of the rom, so maybe it'll be even better. I'll also check the updates of the xiaomi oreo one, just to see if bugs will get fixed.
I probably misread your post, I didn't understand you're already using the Pixel Experience! Maybe you could try the LineageOS 15.1 but it's very similar to Pixel Experience and I don't know if Magisk is compatible.
If you miss MIUI I'd suggest to try the Oreo rom when the next one is released, it's easier to install than the global rom.