doubt / request for the development team, cooks of Xaomi.Eu rom


2 Mar 2021
I’m contacting you and hope I don’t screw up; I don’t know if this place is the correct one to post this request.
As the title of this post, I would like to ask the creators and cookers of this ROM, a wonderful ROM I been using for long time in their version stable as the version MIUI 12.5 base on the Chinese ROM and Android 11.
You see my request as a user is be able to modify the way I want, because I could not find any information on the net using google.
There for I contacting you to ask if was possible modify the live tiles of the control center of the MIUI, let me explain.
The actual distribution of the live tiles in the control center goes likes this, Mobile Data Caps, blue tooth, Mobile data and Wi Fi while the rest can be arranged freely.
My request would be if it could be done to modify the first life tile “Mobile Data caps” to reposition o be able to move freely or if can be create a menu that could hide it and this be on the miui launcher options or on control center options . Due to were come comments on a help group for user of MIUI that I belong that came to me of the possibility of move this life tile, and how frustrated is and would live to keep the actual distribution in the panel of the stock ROM
I thank you for the time you have taken to read this post.

Thoughtfully yours Ax3lN0rth
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We don't accept feature requests.
You should ask Xiaomi, this is too complex for a patch.
I appreciate the quick response and it is a pity that such a professional team like us cannot do a small think like this

Thank you so much guys
I appreciate the quick response and it is a pity that such a professional team like us cannot do a small think like this

Thank you so much guys
"Small"? Are you a developer? I bet not. You've got no idea how much code is involved in doing drag-and-drop operations with changes listening...