EDITED TITLE: looking for a safe way to decrypt internal storage from the recovery's POV


14 Apr 2023
I flashed stock firmware then rom and that fixed it while obviously encrypting storage again. so instead of going thru all that again, i would like to try some actually safe way to decrypt it. if you know of some xda or xiaomi.eu forum link, i'd be very thankful if you shared it

title: Stuck on bootscreen after doing sketchy stuff to decrypt internal sotrage
Long story short, installed custom recovery, xiaomi.eu rom,live fine, however in the recvery internal storage is a bunch of hash-looking junk. research how to decrypt, find articles, wipe dalvik, cache, data, storage, format data, flash rom, all that multiple times. finally get it decrypted, flash rom for the final time, stuck on boot screen, wipe, format and flash, no luck, "fix contexts" in recovery, flash rom, still stuck.
so my question is, what can i do apart from wiping my dalvik cache etc. so frequently that it gets shiny or just powercycling and hope for the best. this is my daily driver and wouldn't like to brick it, although i already took risks with the fix contexts, so i guess i'll be willing to take more.
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