Eu Rom Or Rom Global?


21 Nov 2016
Hello, I just received my new xiaomi 5s, Ive never had android before and Im not really into this of the ROMS, a friend of me told me to wait because a new global rom should be beeing released soonish.

The one that comes with the phone is a chinese rom modified without ADS and with a mix of english and native language, do you recommend me to download and install the european ROM or wait for the global ROM instead?

Im european myself, I dunno if it has to do
The (dev or stable) ROM from this site is better i think. But first you have to unlock your device. If you want to do so go to the all-in-one guide from ZEN XXII here in this forum. If you need help i know what to do now. And many others here.
@Alexiaomi You seem to know info about unlocking the device. I've got my Mi 5S yesterday and would like to unlock it, but my unlock says "Your device isn't supported by Mi Unlock". I got my Mi 5s connected via USB to my computer and adb works. I can see it if I run adb devices and I can also reboot-bootloader. Anyway. It's connected.

I suppose I don't need SIM card in the phone for the unlock to work? I have a regular sized SIM and will trim it to nano after I successfully flash EU ROM. Otherwise I may end up being unavailable to the world.
Hello Litera, that's right, you don't need to insert the sim-card. You have to:
1. download and install the Mi unlock tool. With this and your Mi-account (if you don't have a Mi-account, you will have to register) you must "ask permission" Xiaomi for unlocking your Mi5s. If you are quite new (and for example don't have much 'Xiaomi points' here on the site / account) you must wait for Xiaomi sending you a message that you have permission. Otherwise you will have persmission immediately. I could unlock immediately.

2. when unlocking is done you have to download and install on your PC.
3. download wanted rom (beta 6.11.10 capricorn is latest) on your PC.

(I create a folder "Xiaomi" in C and worked from there. I put adb drivers, twrp and rom in the folder)

N.B. you must have twrp.img in the You must see it after extracting the

- set Debugging permission on in setting of your device. To do so first tap 7 times on Miui rom in "about phone", this will make you a developper of your device. Go to developper options in additional settings and search for debugging....enable it.
- connect your Mi5s (it must be on in normal working mode) to your PC. Check if your PC recognize your Mi5s, it should be in the explorer.
- open Windows Cmd as administrator in device manager of PC (click windows logo, next to Alt, + x)
- typ "cd C:\Xiaomi" "and enter (this will open your Xiaomi folder)
- typ "adb devices and enter (this will show your serialnumber of your device)
- typ "adb reboot bootloader" (this will turn your device into fastboot)
- typ "fastboot recovery flash twrp.img" (this will install twrp on your device)
- typ "fastboot reboot" (till it finishes)
Disconnect your device.

Turn your device on in recovery mode (volume+ and power button)
Then you will see TWRP.
Go to wipe and wipe data, cache and dalvik.
Turn your device on and connect it to your PC
Drag the rom to your internal storage.
Disconnect from PC.
Go to updater app and let your device search for updates. They are not there. Go to the 3 dots above on the right side. Click on them and click "choose update package".
Then search for the rom (zip) and choose it. Click ok.
TWRP will install the rom.
Let it run the whole time. Your device will turn hot. Let it be. (mine installed 4 times, i put it out and on again and it was ok fortunately)

I think that's it.

Also read:

ZenXXII wrote this guide and helped me a lot. Also others helped me a lot.
So ask if you have questions and we will help you!

Good luck Xiaomi friend !!!

Thanks for this thorough guide.

I applied for unlock but after about 10 hours I haven't received any message yet. I provided info that I would like to flash official as my phone came with ROM which doesn't seem to be official as it's not on the MI site... And I said I wanted to go to developer ROM 6.10.11 or whichever is the latest official dev ROM. Hopefully they'll grant me or inform me why not.

But there may as well be a global rom for Mi 5S tomorrow (Friday) as I've seen it mentioned on forums.
Hello, just wait. I read it can take 2 weeks. If it take that long leave a message on their site. Hopefully you will receive message soon. Or just try sometimes, you never know.

Yes, tomorrow there will be updates. Hopefully for mi5s too.

I recived the unlock code in 3 days. Xiaomi is faster in this process.

Hola, that's nice. Did you unlock already and flash another rom?
I hope Litera don't have to wait too long for permission.
I write them i am from Europe i want eu rom and receive permission in 3 hours for mi5s and mi5s plus

Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk
You can flash the China stable or beta ROM directly using the MiFlash tool. But if you're using Windows 10 you'll need an older version of MiFlash (i.e. the Beta). Be warned though, your phone might have EDL unlocked now, but once you flash an official ROM the EDL will be locked and you will not be able to swap between the Stable and Beta ROMs. I followed the guide here: (google wasconet com flash-rom-xiaomi-phones-locked-bootloader)

All this of course will change once you get unlock permission, you should be able then to flash whatever you want (including the ones from this site).

Remember if you flash a China ROM you'll have to deal with disabling/hiding a bunch of Chinese apps and have to install Google Play.
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Can somebody answer and elaborate the original question? Is EU rom better than Global rom and why?
Can somebody answer and elaborate the original question? Is EU rom better than Global rom and why?

The biggest difference is one of released by Xiaomi, and the other is released independently.

The changes made in the version are listed on the download page: community threads 6-11-10.36056

Our ROMs features (Whats not in Global):
  • Blurred statusbar and notification shade (MIUI 7)
  • Enabled search in statusbar
  • Enabled search gesture (swipe up) on the desktop
  • Enabled MiDrive in File Explorer
  • Added landscape mode for SMS app
  • Sunrise/Sunset in the weather app
  • Google apps support integrated
  • Importing theme from via ThemeManager
  • No useless Chinese bloatware apps
  • More free RAM due to less background processes
  • Unified flat style app icons for both system and 3rd party apps (eg. Play Store icon flat too, unlike official global MIUI)
  • Advanced menu with color icons (not just text like in official MIUI releases)
  • No any Chinese character under the full system
  • Mi Video, Mi Music, Mi Radio, Mi Browser: No any useless Chinese content
  • No possibility to re-lock bootloader accidentally with flash any release
  • Added real 26 languages translation made by Official MIUI Fansites and MIUI Fans
  • Added Phone swipe to the right gesture on the lockscreen
  • Added EU T9 dialer support
  • Added charging sound switch
  • Added Spell Checker switch
  • Added Screen-OFF animation
  • Optimized GPS settings for EU
  • Optimized Battery consumption
  • Optimized RAM consumption
  • Deodexed
  • And more, and more made by our 5 years MIUI mods experience..
So Litera, it will be there, have patience.

Got it today, after about 4 days... I've been granted permission to unlock. Yay! Note lets hope the tool will work and not say "device not supported".
I write them i am from Europe i want eu rom and receive permission in 3 hours for mi5s and mi5s plus

Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk

Sent from my MI 5s using Tapatalk
Can somebody answer and elaborate the original question? Is EU rom better than Global rom and why?
I think you have your answer.
My opinion: the eu ROM is more fine tuned. And No Chinese stuff.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn MI 5s met Tapatalk