Fingerprint reboot on MIUI 12


3 Sep 2020
Hi Everyone

I have scoured the internet for a solution, but so far I have only found people with the exact same problem.
People who have the Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro / Redmi K20 Pro, report reboots/crashes when trying to use the fingerprint scanner when the following conditions are met:

-They have had their screen replaced
-They have got MIUI 12 installed

With MIUI 11, and other ROMs, the fingerprint scanner works fine. However, after updating to MIUI 12, the device reboots when trying to use the fingerprint scanner.
I have MIUI by 12.0.3 stable installed. but I have seen the same problem with people who have 12.0.1 or 12.0.2 installed, no matter if it is Global, China, EU or rom.

Not working:
-Registering Fingerprints in the settings menu
-Unlocking the device with registered fingerprints
-Completing the "FOD fingerprint calibration" in the "Additional Tools" menu of CIT. It fails at the final step, "PERFORMANCE_CHART Test"

Working (albeit buggy):
-The tests in "com.goodix.fingerprint.setting.MainActivity", which can be launced with the app "Activity Launcher"
-CIT Fingerprint Sensor check
-CIT FOD Fingerprint Input Test (I encountered that this test actually registers your fingerprint. After this, the phone immediately crashes, reboots, and your phone is locked! Trying to unlock it reboots the phone. However, you can unlock it with the numerical code "0000", apparently the default password. Unfortunately, this also crashes the phone. To avoid this problem, go into e.g. TWRP, decrypt the storage with "0000", go to Advanced>Filemanager, then go to /data/system/user/0 and delete "settings_fingerprint.xml". After reboot your phone is unlocked)

It seems to me that this is a software issue, since the FOD was working fine in MIUI 11. So far, reports of this issue go back since the first release of MIUI 12 for the Mi 9T Pro.
Xiaomi says the warranty is void once your screen is broken, or replaced.

The only report I found of someone who solved this problem, said the technician who replaced his screen told him he had to "Copy the firmware codes from his old screen to his new screen", but so far no-one was able to follow up on this.

Here are a few links with threads of people reporting the same problem:

If the would be able to fix this issue as opposed to the global/EU/China rom, it would be a major advantage for everyone who has had their screen replaced (which over time will ofcourse be more and more people)
I hope this a bit more comprehensive thread will help us get to a solution.

Thanks :)
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Have you tried other custom ROMs, not MIUI ones?
Is the behavior the same?
Yes, I tried Corvus OS and with that the fingerprint is working (a bit slow but working nonetheless).
With MIUI 11 it works very fast. It is only MIUI 12 that causes the problems.
I see.
I doubt it that the guys/developers from will be able to help you in any way.
Firmware stuff is very tricky.
I hope for any of you with that issue that xiaomi will fix the issue, because it seems that only they can.
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I have the same issue, yes i replaced my screen, i only made it work miui12 with the stable one, but fod doesnt work
Have any of you tried to flash the miui10.3.17 fastboot rom/files? And after that to upgrade to v12 check then?
CIT menu <= dial this : * # * # 6 4 8 4 # * # *
Please go to the CIT menu press the 3 dot in the top right of screen scroll down calibrate the FOD -> place a white thing on FOD click start before next step put somthing black on FOD and press next...wait until finish close restart and add your fingerprint :) have a nice day
CIT menu <= dial this : * # * # 6 4 8 4 # * # *
Please go to the CIT menu press the 3 dot in the top right of screen scroll down calibrate the FOD -> place a white thing on FOD click start before next step put somthing black on FOD and press next...wait until finish close restart and add your fingerprint :) have a nice day
I have tried this and gotten through the first two steps of putting something white then putting something black. However, the test then says 'flesh chart horizontal' and it fails KB calibration. Any suggestions for what to do, to fix this?
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I have tried this and gotten through the first two steps of putting something white then putting something black. However, the test then says 'flesh chart horizontal' and it fails KB calibration. Any suggestions for what to do, to fix this?


  • Screenshot_2020-12-02-18-04-09-496_com.goodix.fingerprint.setting.jpg
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You need to flash passreset file. Just Flash and reboot . Flash DFE with it if you're encrypted. //

Sent from my Redmi K20 Pro using Tapatalk
I somehow missed this reply and found it by accident.
I flashed the file you linked, however this has not sorted the issue.
The phone I have is the mi 10 ultra running latest 12.5 weekly ROM. I have previously installed the stock ROM with locked boot loader with no luck.
I have tried to flash stock persist image, with no luck.
Honestly, at a loss on how to resolve this. I simply can't get past the third stage of the calibration process detailed previously.
I somehow missed this reply and found it by accident.
I flashed the file you linked, however this has not sorted the issue.
The phone I have is the mi 10 ultra running latest 12.5 weekly ROM. I have previously installed the stock ROM with locked boot loader with no luck.
I have tried to flash stock persist image, with no luck.
Honestly, at a loss on how to resolve this. I simply can't get past the third stage of the calibration process detailed previously.
Same Issue here, please elaborate if possible.
Thank you in advance for your time and support :)
Xiaomi Mi10 Ultra here, latest weekly rom after screen replacement. Fingerprint sensor not working. Can't add fingerprints, fails to add. On CIT menu, fails fingerprint test, pass SPI, RST, OTP tests, but fails on CALI test. Tried calibration, also fails on third step (Put the FLESH FLAT then click START). Don't know what to do on these steps, but this third one always fails with different errors.
After screen replacement tried to hard reset, fastboot install and then update, tried to root and delete goodix folder. Nothing works. Any help? Thank you.
Xiaomi Mi10 Ultra here, latest weekly rom after screen replacement. Fingerprint sensor not working. Can't add fingerprints, fails to add. On CIT menu, fails fingerprint test, pass SPI, RST, OTP tests, but fails on CALI test. Tried calibration, also fails on third step (Put the FLESH FLAT then click START). Don't know what to do on these steps, but this third one always fails with different errors.
After screen replacement tried to hard reset, fastboot install and then update, tried to root and delete goodix folder. Nothing works. Any help? Thank you.

I answer to myself, I have managed to solve it by following these indications. My sensors were not working so persist partition corrupted.

  1. I have a Xiaomi Mi 10 Ultra with the latest weekly, so I have downloaded the latest fastboot from the Chinese weekly ( tgz).
  2. Extracted package and copy persist.img from images folder to internal storage of Mi 10 Ultra.
  3. Reboot to TWRP and launch Terminal
  4. simg2img /sdcard/persist.img /sdcard/persist_EXT4.img (this code returns error in my case)
  5. dd if=/sdcard/persist.img of=/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/persist
  6. dd if=/sdcard/persist_EXT4.img of=/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/persist
  7. Reboot
After that, still have to calibrate fod sensor before I can add fingerprint, in CIT advanced menu.
  1. cover fod sensor with white paper
  2. cover fod sensor with something black
  3. cover fod sensor with my finger just after pressing next (almost cry when test finish ok).
  4. Reboot again
Add fingerprints OK.
Hope it helps.
I answer to myself, I have managed to solve it by following these indications. My sensors were not working so persist partition corrupted.

  1. I have a Xiaomi Mi 10 Ultra with the latest weekly, so I have downloaded the latest fastboot from the Chinese weekly ( tgz).
  2. Extracted package and copy persist.img from images folder to internal storage of Mi 10 Ultra.
  3. Reboot to TWRP and launch Terminal
  4. simg2img /sdcard/persist.img /sdcard/persist_EXT4.img (this code returns error in my case)
  5. dd if=/sdcard/persist.img of=/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/persist
  6. dd if=/sdcard/persist_EXT4.img of=/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/persist
  7. Reboot
After that, still have to calibrate fod sensor before I can add fingerprint, in CIT advanced menu.
  1. cover fod sensor with white paper
  2. cover fod sensor with something black
  3. cover fod sensor with my finger just after pressing next (almost cry when test finish ok).
  4. Reboot again
Add fingerprints OK.
Hope it helps.
Do you loose your stored data on the phone on the process ?
Me too? fingerprint error Because it is happening 1505 bad point cluster error Please help me because it is happening


  • Screenshot_2022-01-17-23-55-21-503_com.goodix.fingerprint.setting.jpg
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Hola a todos

Espero poder ayudar a todos aquellos que estáis teniendo problemas con agregar una huella dactilar en un teléfono Xiaomi, o al calibrar la misma, ya que después de cambiar la pantalla, porque se te haya roto, es totalmente necesario volver a recalibrar la huella dactilar.

El problema surge cuando estamos recalibrando y en el tercer mensaje, que indica “Test, put the FLESH CHART horizontally”, al poner el dedo, u otro patrón de colores, como puede ser el color carne, el naranja u otro patrón de gama de colores tipo skin, el terminal siempre devuelve el mensaje de error, de hecho son varios mensajes diferentes, como “get calibración failed”, “1515 Brightness instable”, y varios más, todos porque el tercer test, no está saliendo correctamente. Da igual el mensaje que os aparezca, el problema es el mismo, y aquí lo vamos a solucionar definitivamente.

No os preocupéis, tiene solución, y no tienes que borrar la carpeta nmt\vendor\persit\goodix…. Teniendo que haceros root, ni tampoco necesitáis instalar la versión original china, ni restablecer de fábrica, ni nada por el estilo… nada de esto es necesario, sólo seguir los pasos que indica el test, pero tiene truco al final, y esto es lo que quiero compartir con vosotros, que a más de uno os va a alegrar el día, ya que lo habéis intentando todo sin éxito…

Hay una herramienta china para recalibrar el lector de huellas, tras haber reinstalado el display (cambiado vuestra pantalla), y cuesta unos $25, o 22€, pero NO tenéis que comprar esto, ¿ya que tenéis un dedo verdad?, pues este producto es lo que imita, una huella dactilar del dedo.

Os dejo un enlace para el que quiera comprar la herramienta, pero os digo que lo podéis hacer sin ella:


Precisamente esta herramienta me ha enseñado qué hay que hacer, y por fin, mi teléfono cuenta de nuevo con el servicio del lector de la huella digital, y os digo que funciona como cuando lo compré nuevo. Ojo, porque hay protectores de pantalla que impiden que esto se ejecute de forma correcta ... os recomiendo quitarlo mientras recalibramos de nuevo el lector de huellas. Yo lo tengo puesto, y es verdad que la huella tarda un poco más en ser reconocida, pero prefiero sacrificar la inmediata, y conservar mi pantalla como si fuera nueva por mucho tiempo.

Bien, vamos a allá:

1º vamos a AJUSTES

2º vamos a Mi dispositivo

3º vamos a Todas las especificaciones

4º Vamos a versión del Kernel y pulsamos sobre el mismo, hasta que aparece el menú CIT, arriba a la derecha, vemos tres puntos, que al pulsarlos, nos aparecen "Additional tools", pulsamos sobre esta opción, y nos llevará a un submenú , que se llama Herramientas adicionales. Abajo del todo, vemos la opción 11.- Fod Fingerprint Calibration, presione sobre la misma.

NOTA: Si tienes activado el modo oscuro, quítalo, ya que el sistema necesita el estado normal, para que la huella se ilumine al máximo.

Ahora aparece un primer mensaje, que indica “Putt the FLESH FALT and then click START”. Bien, lo que haremos será poner un trozo de papel blanco, una servilleta, o algo que sea totalmente blanco.

Cuando haya terminado de scanear, te pondrá “Putt he BLACK FLAT”, con lo que pondremos algo totalmente negro, como un trozo de papal, un trapo, o algo que sea totalmente negro.

Si todo ha ido bien, que lo hará, pondrá “Test, putt he FLESH CHART horizontally”… y aquí viene el problema, porque siempre te tira error… bien, si has visto la maquinita china para calibrar la pantalla, verás que el trozo de silicona de color carne, o amarillo, tiene unas estrías, o bandas horizontales, que simulan los surcos de la huella dactilar, por eso, el teléfono te está hacer diciendo que lo pongas de forma “horizontal”, sólo tienes que esto… Mírate el dedo pulgar de tu mano, y verás que en la parte de arriba de la yema del dedo, las marcas de la huella se ven de forma horizontal, que es la forma en la que tendrás que colocar tu dedo sobre el teléfono. Es decir, no coloques el dedo de forma horizontal, sino de forma vertical, que haga coincidir esas líneas de tu dedo, con lo que el lector de huellas está pidiendo.

No te preocupes si fallas a la primera, vuelve a intentarlo hasta que te salga, te prometo que te funcionará al 100%, y te habré alegrado el día. Mira tu dedo, para que entiendas el sentido en el que las líneas tienen que tocar la pantalla.

Gracias por leer, y espero de verdad que esta guía te haya ayudado.
Ok, so translating the guide part:

1º we go to SETTINGS

2º we go to My device

3º we go to All the specifications

4º We go to Kernel version and click on it, until the CIT menu appears, at the top right, we see three points, which when clicked, "Additional tools" appear, click on this option, and it will take us to a submenu , which is called Additional Tools. At the bottom, we see option 11.- Fod Fingerprint Calibration, click on it.

NOTE: If you have the dark mode activated, please turn it off, as the system needs the normal state, so that the fingerprint is fully illuminated.

Now a first message appears, indicating “Putt the FLESH FALT and then click START”. Well, what we will do is put a piece of white paper, a napkin, or something that is completely white.

When it has finished scanning, it will put “Putt he BLACK FLAT”, with which we will put something totally black, like a piece of paper, a rag, or something that is totally black.

If everything has gone well, which it will, it will say "Test, putt he FLESH CHART horizontally"... and here comes the problem, because it always gives you an error... well, if you have seen the little Chinese machine to calibrate the screen, you will see that the piece made of flesh-colored silicone, or yellow, it has some grooves, or horizontal bands, that simulate the grooves of the fingerprint, that's why the phone is telling you to put it "horizontally", you just have to do this... Look at you the thumb of your hand, and you will see that on the top of the fingertip, the fingerprint marks are seen horizontally, which is the way you will have to place your finger on the phone. That is, do not place your finger horizontally, but vertically, which makes those lines of your finger coincide with what the fingerprint reader is asking for.
Look at your finger, so you understand the direction in which the lines have to touch the screen.
Hi Everyone

I have scoured the internet for a solution, but so far I have only found people with the exact same problem.
People who have the Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro / Redmi K20 Pro, report reboots/crashes when trying to use the fingerprint scanner when the following conditions are met:

-They have had their screen replaced
-They have got MIUI 12 installed

With MIUI 11, and other ROMs, the fingerprint scanner works fine. However, after updating to MIUI 12, the device reboots when trying to use the fingerprint scanner.
I have MIUI by 12.0.3 stable installed. but I have seen the same problem with people who have 12.0.1 or 12.0.2 installed, no matter if it is Global, China, EU or rom.

Not working:
-Registering Fingerprints in the settings menu
-Unlocking the device with registered fingerprints
-Completing the "FOD fingerprint calibration" in the "Additional Tools" menu of CIT. It fails at the final step, "PERFORMANCE_CHART Test"

Working (albeit buggy):
-The tests in "com.goodix.fingerprint.setting.MainActivity", which can be launced with the app "Activity Launcher"
-CIT Fingerprint Sensor check
-CIT FOD Fingerprint Input Test (I encountered that this test actually registers your fingerprint. After this, the phone immediately crashes, reboots, and your phone is locked! Trying to unlock it reboots the phone. However, you can unlock it with the numerical code "0000", apparently the default password. Unfortunately, this also crashes the phone. To avoid this problem, go into e.g. TWRP, decrypt the storage with "0000", go to Advanced>Filemanager, then go to /data/system/user/0 and delete "settings_fingerprint.xml". After reboot your phone is unlocked)

It seems to me that this is a software issue, since the FOD was working fine in MIUI 11. So far, reports of this issue go back since the first release of MIUI 12 for the Mi 9T Pro.
Xiaomi says the warranty is void once your screen is broken, or replaced.

The only report I found of someone who solved this problem, said the technician who replaced his screen told him he had to "Copy the firmware codes from his old screen to his new screen", but so far no-one was able to follow up on this.

Here are a few links with threads of people reporting the same problem:

If the would be able to fix this issue as opposed to the global/EU/China rom, it would be a major advantage for everyone who has had their screen replaced (which over time will ofcourse be more and more people)
I hope this a bit more comprehensive thread will help us get to a solution.

Thanks :)

I think I might have identified the issue. The issue is that the screen used is not the correct screen. The Mi9T/K20 uses a similar LCD as the MI9T pro/K20 pro, however there are differences.

Mi9T/K20 uses visionox lcd whereas MI9T pro/K20 pro uses samsung. I had to remove the fingerprint camera while waiting for the replacement to arrive. Hope this helps.
Ok, so translating the guide part:

1º we go to SETTINGS

2º we go to My device

3º we go to All the specifications

4º We go to Kernel version and click on it, until the CIT menu appears, at the top right, we see three points, which when clicked, "Additional tools" appear, click on this option, and it will take us to a submenu , which is called Additional Tools. At the bottom, we see option 11.- Fod Fingerprint Calibration, click on it.

NOTE: If you have the dark mode activated, please turn it off, as the system needs the normal state, so that the fingerprint is fully illuminated.

Now a first message appears, indicating “Putt the FLESH FALT and then click START”. Well, what we will do is put a piece of white paper, a napkin, or something that is completely white.

When it has finished scanning, it will put “Putt he BLACK FLAT”, with which we will put something totally black, like a piece of paper, a rag, or something that is totally black.

If everything has gone well, which it will, it will say "Test, putt he FLESH CHART horizontally"... and here comes the problem, because it always gives you an error... well, if you have seen the little Chinese machine to calibrate the screen, you will see that the piece made of flesh-colored silicone, or yellow, it has some grooves, or horizontal bands, that simulate the grooves of the fingerprint, that's why the phone is telling you to put it "horizontally", you just have to do this... Look at you the thumb of your hand, and you will see that on the top of the fingertip, the fingerprint marks are seen horizontally, which is the way you will have to place your finger on the phone. That is, do not place your finger horizontally, but vertically, which makes those lines of your finger coincide with what the fingerprint reader is asking for.
Look at your finger, so you understand the direction in which the lines have to touch the screen.
This worked like a CHARM! Thank you very much.
I was lost in the "Flesh Chart Horizontally"
I was trying to put the finger horizontally, this explanation makes totally sense.
After the TEST passed, I had to manually put the "Fingerprint sensor check" in "PASS", the "38. Fod fingerprint input test" from the CIT it's on "Fail", I couldn't change it, but it didn't make a difference.

It worked on a Xiaomi mi 11, new display changed by myself, MIUI 14.0.3, Sensor not working.
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