First timer questions for this specific rom


5 Sep 2024

This is my first Xiaomi phone (Redmi Note 13 PRO 5G - GARNET) after my whole life using (and flashing) motorola phones. I have already unlocked my BL, and I'm ready to flash.
But I have some questions I would like to know before:

1. I'm currently on HyperOS, wich it doesn't seems to be the latest acording to this page, but nevertheless my phone doesn't offer me a new version (even before unlocking BL).
It looks that a "newer"OS1.0.18.0.UNREUXM exists. Any ideas why I'm not getting it?

2. I'm planing on flashing this custom ROM anyway, but could not having the latest official version be an issue? Maybe something about radio fw, or camera, etc..?

3. Regarding this custom ROM. I'm sure there are reasons to use the CHINA version as base and not the global or UE rom. Can someone point me to that discussion?

4. I guess since I bought my device in EU, the current OS is EU version, I'm still ok to flash xiaomi.EU rom based on china, right?

5. Custom recovery. Most of the posts talk about TWRP, but devs mention that TWRP is not quite safe anymore. Is it better to flash OrangeFox instead? Do I really need a custom recovery anyways?

6. Am I expected to loose functionality by flashing this rom (5G SA, VoNR, volte, vowifi, IRblaster, NFC, etc...)? I cannot find changelogs or "this not working" kind of information like other roms usually post on i.e. xda. Is this because they are official based and everything works always?

Thanks for your time reaching here and for any insights you guys could provide !!!

1. Maybe due to your region, maybe due to unlocked bootloader, nobody knows.
2. No, everything should be fine (notice that on Redmi Note 13 Pro 5G Global variant you must flash modem from Global ROM to make radio working).
3. There are multiple reasons, but mainly due to the fact China ROM is usually available first and updated more often than Global ROM.
4. Yes (refer to point 2).
5. Well, in most cases you don't need a custom recovery. Custom ROMs in many cases can be flashed either through Recovery or Fastboot. Magisk can be flashed through Fastboot (after patching init_boot.img). OrangeFox doesn't matter there, it's just a TWRP modification.
Redmi Note 13 Pro 5G iirc has a working recovery, but entire Xiaomi 14 series, for example, doesn't.
6. No, most features should work fine (we can't guarantee Google Wallet functionality - we are patching needed things for Play Integrity, but it's a cat and mouse game, you don't know when Google rejects working fingerprint...).
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Thanks Kacper,

Regarding point 2, as I'm already on global rom, I guess I should delete the line in "windows_fastboot_first_install_with_data_format.bat"

%fastboot% flash modem_ab images\modem.img

is that right?
Or Just delete the "modem.img" file from the ROM.
ROM > image > modem.img > delete
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Thanks Kacper,

Regarding point 2, as I'm already on global rom, I guess I should delete the line in "windows_fastboot_first_install_with_data_format.bat"

%fastboot% flash modem_ab images\modem.img

is that right?
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Reactions: gogocar62
thank you both. I'll try flashing withou custom recovery and report back.
Sorry one more question, regarding rooting I see 2 "boot" partitions: boot.img and vendor_boot.img.
I guess the one that should be patched with magisk is boot.img ? What's the other one about?