Gingerbread MIUI 1.03.18 Greek pack for Desire HD


15 Nov 2010
Λήψη κινέζικης full rom

Λήψη ελληνικής μετάφρασης

Οδηγίες εγκατάστασης

1)Μπαίνουμε σε λειτουργία recovery.
2)Εκτελούμε: wipe data/restore factory
wipe partition cache
wipe dalvik cache
3)Φλασάρουμε την κινέζικη έκδοση
4)Φλασάρουμε το ελληνικό πακέτο
5)Βγαίνουμε απο recovery mode και ξεκινάμε το τηλέφωνο.

Possible fix for SMS Force close:
Greek language pack wont flash...says something about invalid atgumenys number in mount
Sorry Finn
Now i tried to send a SMS...
It is sent ok but app gives FC
Also FC when i try to read SMS
will try my headset as soon as i get home....So any news about mA consumption???
Is there any patch available????It's a bit elevated compared to sense roms...
Possible fix uploaded! Let me know if it works!

Another kernel for 2.3.3 version of MIUI can be found here.
It says that if fixes the battery drain.
Bluetooth works now....but still fc on sms afyer uplying patch through clockwork
Good to know that bt works.
I m gonna look.into sms fc though.

Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
No big deal though as i use handsent sms to have 160 chars on sms with sense keyboard
let me know if the rom works fine or if you encounter any other issues in the future!
Finn another bug i found is that if you try to rename a folder then at the bottom the buttons to save or cancel the changes are missing...So you cant change folder names unless you change language
gpoul i found that this bug is theme related. The last time i tried both buttons were half visible and when i changed the theme to some other the buttons were both visible.
gpoul i found that this bug is theme related. The last time i tried both buttons were half visible and when i changed the theme to some other the buttons were both visible.

same with me when i change the theme it was ok...:rolleyes:
Δοκίμασε μέσα απ την διαχείρηση εφαρμογών να καθαρίσεις την cache και τα δεδομένα της εφαρμογής mms.apk
Εχω αλαξει δεκα θεματα. Δε λεν να εμφανιστουν κουμπια στο φακελο...
we have any news about the the forse close?i found 2 on the monitor and 1 to the radio app.
Tomorrow morning there is going to be out gingerbread miui for desire and i m gonna find out what is causing these problems :)
Hi Finn we have any news? About the bugs? Sorry :) :)

Sent from my HTC Desire HD using Tapatalk
I started with the HTC Desire version this morning.So far SMS works fine without FC so does Monitor.apk

Later this evening i m gonna start working on the HTC Desire HD version.