Help For Dead Mimax 3/64 652 (pro?)


25 Mar 2016
Hi guys, I've just bought a Xiaomi Mimax and, since I'm italian, I've tried to install the international version of the xiaomi rom.

I've installed twrp with no errors.

After that I've tried to install the rom, I've choose this: MIMAX 6.7.28 v8. Probably my choice was wrong. The correct choice should be Mimax pro....

I've used adb sideload to install the rom (I don't know if this could be a problem) but, I've got no error.

I've rebooted the phone but, now it's totally black, no life signs. If I try to connect the phone with usb cable, my pc seems to recognize a generic usb device but, nothing more.

I've just tried to reboot the phone, turn off the phone but, nothing.

Someone of you, have some advice or ideas?

Thanks in advance
Hi! Download MiFlash, connect your phone to your pc and then try various combination of buttons, for example vol +/vol -, vol +/pow, vol-/pow and hold it until the phone boots or miflash recognizes it (hold then even 5 min). When it happens just flash some rom. I found this method on forum and some of users confirm that it worked
First of all charge your phone for at least one hour and don't try anything. Than try power on and volume + to go to TWRP.....

Redmi Note 2 P - Tapatalk
I did exactly what Andrejz suggested. I attached the phone to my pc with mi flash on. Then I power on the phone in fastboot (screen blank) until I heard a low bleep on pc. Then I tapped refresh on Mi flash until I see the phone listed. Then I installed the fastboot rom (I unzipped two times the file). Voilà, the phone was working perfectly as new. Thanks again for your fantastic post.
I had to disconnect battery while flashing with Mi Flash, phone was not detected properly on my PC.
Hi guys, this time, I am having a huge problem, wanted to update to, when twrp crashed in the update process, phone is dead, you see one second the mi logo, then it goes dark again. TWRP is gone, fastboot is coming up but phone is not recognized by the pc, after one minute, screens goes blank with a vibration. Did reinstall the drivers, no recognition from pc at all (where Redmi Note 3 are being recognized), did reinstall drivers, no way. Rite now, I am clueless. Every help is welcome. Tried all button combinations, Fastboot is up one minute, but no recognition from pc at all.

Update1: The phone is now recognized by Win 10 64-bit, however, I am stuck with the Miflash.
The Qualcomedriver is listed in the device manager as com 10, but no Miflash (version 28.10.15 nor 30.08.16) recognizes the phone (try to refresh continously...) I also see no devices in adb... very strange and uncommon...

Update2: Problem solved, had to enter EDL-Mode not Fastboot Mode (Plug cable half in, then pressing volume + and - together and then full plugging the cable. Flashed then the latest Official stable and my phone was revived finally. What wonders me is that I could not flash TWRP recovery this way. A side effect is that I'm back on global stock. Good luck all of you, enjoy a great phone!
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