How Best Survive Mi Account Lockout


Dec 2, 2017
Hi all,

Apparently not so few people were locked out of there phones now when Xiaomis servers went down, making it impossible to login to ones Mi account.

Now this didn't happen to me, and I'm not sure how completely folk got locked out - impossible to use the phone at all, apparently?

Open question:

Does one dare depend only on the Xiaomi ecosystem when this can happen?

My answer: No!

Now I always carry a reserve phone with me, all set up to go.
But my reserve phone has also been a Xiaomi phone recently . . .
Do I really have to get some Huasung or Samwei (sic) junk instead?

Curious as to how others have reacted to this.

Now this is of course not a problem, but one tends not to get so intelligent responses often on the MIUI forum, so I'll try here.