How can I return to stock? yeah it came to this

6 Sep 2013
I have mi2s 32gb. And I have WIUI-10-18 on system 1 which works fine. I had WIUI-11-01 on sys2, when suddenly sys2 stopped receiving network signal. Since I was at work and needed phone I shifted to sys1 and found out I had WIUI on both sys (silly me). Later whatever ROM I install on sys2 it asks for sim PIN over and over again. I am inserting correct PIN. WIUI it asks PIN again after 10 second or so never picking up any signal. Mokee's ROM asks instantly after inserting.

Any idea/help is appreciated. BTW, I am installing after full wife both system and cache.
Do a backup first.....then if you install the new wiui on system 2..... the old wiui (the one which works) should remain in the other system no brick problem.
To be sure of that......reboot in the system 1 which works for you an than install the new wiui with "UPDATE" app that you will find already on the device.

You can't format just one system......because the division is virtual and you will format both partition.
You can do a wipe cache instead.
no need to format.... you have to could install new rom on both sys already
So far I wiped data/partition, cache, dalvik cache, and formatted system, data. Problem still persists. I am wondering how can I start a new. I know it is not hardware issue because phone is working fine on sys2. Something like format install OS in desktop, is there?
  1. Download the WIUI zip file
  2. Put it on your SDCard (yes Virtual)
  3. Open the App named Updater -> press the menu key and select installation pack.
  4. Then select the ROM zip file you want to install.
  5. It will install the ROM and will ask if you want to reboot to new system
It always updates the other partition i.e. if you are currently booted in system1 then it will update system 2 and if you are in system 2 then it will update system1