How to change LINE notification Sound on Xiaomi?


11 May 2024
Hi everybody,

I'm using a Xiaomi phone and I want to change the ringtone or notification sound every time a message arrives on the LINE app, but don't know how to do this on my Xiaomi phone.

I've tried everything I know, but still can't figure out how to change the notification sound on the LINE app. Has anyone encountered a similar situation and can tell me how to do this?

If you know how to change the notification sound on LINE app on Xiaomi phones, please share with me.

Sincerely thank!
That you use a Xiaomi mobile phone is normal in this forum but it must also be normal that the Xiaomi EU ROM is present on your mobile phone (you didn't specify it) because in this forum we only discuss the Xiaomi EU custom Rom.
If you don't use the Xiaomi Eu, you're in the wrong forum and you need to go to the official Xiaomi forum and not here.
Many thanks.